not a hippie in Hi This is Kat!

  • July 24, 2023, 11:02 a.m.
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Well.... I guess I am no longer a hippie LOL. I just got my hair cut… they cut off 6 inches! it is a little past my shoulders....a sassy look. ??? I am growing out the gray and blending the colors… but they seem to be blending well on their own. the back is dark almost a chestnut brown! my beautician said it is normal for the back of your hair to turn darker when your hair turns gray… she had no logical reason but she said she sees it a lot and hears people say the same thing???

I just jumped out of the shower so my hair is too wet to see if I like it or not. It looked pretty good before but it had a lot of product on it so it looked flat and I have thin hair so it often looks flat :(

But I noticed the my hair really is a lot more curly than it was last time I had it this short… which has been about 5 or 6 years… my gray is wavy my natural hair is paper straight so a little wave and curl is welcomed

so I guess now I am just a old granny?

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