And it has Begun! in Tea at the Cabin in the Woods

  • Sept. 12, 2014, 5:09 p.m.
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How do you insert a photo in this space? I am so confused… I have tried to use the hyperlink and all I get are Text! I miss OD…

Anyway, my son left early this morning to go to Wisconsin to finish this tour. We picked him up in Boston/Sommerville to see his show at P.A.’s on Monday night. A few of our friends came out as well and we had a great evening. He played and sang well and the band was fun. On Tues I had 8am classes - so I slept (kind of) on the drive back to NH. Tues. evening he played in town and Wed evening he did a house concert. Last night, his last night here, we had a nice family dinner with both my kids and daughter’s boyfriend at a local Indian place. The food was good and I couldn’t have been happier to have my family all together - even if for only a night.

I have a lot to write about, but frankly I am exhausted. BUT I do have some wonderful news! The oncologist has cut me loose! I don’t need to EVER go back again. I told him not to take it personally, but I was glad I didn’t have to see him again. He said he wouldn’t want to him either. :-)

The new semester is starting out tough, but I think all the faculty are beginning to adjust to the changes and accepting we are missing so many of our “family”. Those of us who survived the reduction are all happy to be here and doing an awful lot to try to keep this place open. I am now the chair of the “Student Committee” which oversees academic standards, disciplinary actions and other assorted student involvement activities… Not exactly sure what all that means yet, but will learn more later this afternoon.

My one remaining Psychology colleague is really struggling with her Bi-polar disorder, in a depressive state and the meds are not working for her… She won’t tell anyone about the condition and I am being asked a lot of questions if she is alright… I told her yesterday she may have to tell someone else. At this point I am the only person on campus who knows about this and that just doesn’t seem fair. But I will not divulge her “Secret” since she told me in confidence. I do worry about her and see her usual good nature disappear. The depression in not common for her, she usually goes manic - so this is a new fluctuation. I wish I could just take the burden away, knowing I can’t breaks my heart.

Well, I need to get to yet another organizational meeting as we continue to try to re-build our college structure and figure out how to keep the doors open. I hope you are all well and will soon catch up with everyone.

Last updated September 12, 2014

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