info about cirrhosis please! in Hi This is Kat!

  • July 7, 2023, 1:44 p.m.
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Brooks turned 3 last weekend… hard to think of him getting so big! he is 3ft 5 inches on his 3rd birthday… he is about half head taller than most kids in his class at little boy school. I used to call it baby school but he is not a baby. I have no idea how tall most 3 years old are? I do know at this stage in life they only grow around 4 inches a year. he grew 5 inches last year. Brooks best friend is a girl who also has a large vocal like his and he can communicate well with. Brooks get frustrated when kids his age can’t really talk well. The teacher says he sends time trying to teach them words… funny! But you have to understand his dad was the valedictorian of his class with an IQ of 163 in high school and Kelsey is very smart too so the vocab used in daily life if high. Matthew was tested at 3. I am unsure if they will test Brooks or not

Tucker is getting big too he is almost 2 months old and starting to get really cute. He has a very calm mild personality.... I am sure Brooks will rub off!

Jo’s arm is still pretty bruised and is very painful… I am unsure if it is from the fall or from cirrhosis as it also causes pain in the right shoulder or people perceive pain in the shoulder caused by the liver.

I am unsure if Jo is in stage 3 cirrhosis or if she is now in stage 4? Maybe one of you are wiser than I am? here are her symptoms that I know of:
Anemia as of a year ago also died one year ago from low hemoglobin
Muscle loss 3 years ago
weight loss and malnutrition. 3 years ago
Black poo occaisonaly and throwing up blood occasionally 3 years ago
swelling of leg for past year
swelling in tummy about 6 months
mood change angry
varices for 4 years
had cirrhosis at least 4 years
Drinks like a fish still :(
eyes might be slightly yellow on very bottom when she pulls eye down
spider like veins all over checks of face
small red dots on hips maybe bottom too
tired and sleeps a lot but unknown if that is the booze or cirrhosis or anemia?

What I read that is end stage but unsure if it is liver failure yet? But I read they live on average 2 years at this point??? Which I feel she has been at for 1.5 years. And I am unsure if those life expectancy is for a person who has quit drinking, taking meds, and eating right. As she is not :(
She is my very best friend and I am her POA so I try to learn as much as I can. I am not sure if she knows how sick so is or if she knows and does not want to worry me??? Because you can read that people survive for 12 years with cirrhosis but that is before symptoms and she has had symptoms for around 4 years.

So if anyone knows anything else please let me know as I only know what I read online and what her doctor said she is not able to get liver transplant because of noncompliance and drinking

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