A New York kind of day in keeping it postive

  • Aug. 18, 2014, 6:26 p.m.
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I stayed home for most of the morning, then went to the post office to mail out a package. I am clearing my extras and sending them on to teachers in need.

I went down to the 42nd Street area to meet a friend. We went into the main library - on Fifth Avenue - to see the two exhibits they have going on. There was one about WWI... eh. The other was on kiddie lit!!! It was wonderful... There were many books I remember, many I never heard of. The 20th Century was the beginning of children's literature around the world.

Then, on to a kosher pizza place a few blocks away. I had a stuffed white pizza - two kinds of cheese, lots of veggies. And ALWAYS my root beer.

Then we walked another few blocks to the AMC movie theater nearby. I had gotten a pair of the "gold" tickets, so we went to see Boyhood. The idea is interesting - the movie was actually filmed over a 10 year period, and the characters aged naturally. It felt as if it took 10 years to WATCH. It's basically a slice of life... over a long span of time. Not everyone's life has high drama. That's fine. But I just don't think it makes a great movie.

Then home, to the Chinese take out for my standard: chicken with bean sprouts... it has a light ginger sauce... love it.

ermentrude August 18, 2014

I was interested in Boyhood, maybe I'll wait a little to see it, based on your review! X

Darcy0207 from OD ermentrude ⋅ August 19, 2014

The concept/gimmick was interesting. How the actors stayed in character... or remembered their character... for 10 years is amazing. It surely beats trying to find actors who look similar "over the years". I spent the movie waiting for "drama", something edgy to take place. Really nothing does. But then nothing does in most of our lives.

Nicko the famous August 19, 2014

Leisurely fun day by the sound of it.

I usually like slice of life kind of movies, but not when they drag on forever. Might pass on that one!

Darcy0207 from OD Nicko the famous ⋅ August 19, 2014

The concept/gimmick was interesting. How the actors stayed in character... or remembered their character... for 10 years is amazing. It surely beats trying to find actors who look similar "over the years". I spent the movie waiting for "drama", something edgy to take place. Really nothing does. But then nothing does in most of our lives.
And the movie WAS almost 3 hours LONG!!

Ragdolls August 19, 2014

ThoughtsAfter August 20, 2014

That was a delightful day. I would have enjoyed it. Thank you for the upbeat note. I appreciate all the good notes from you in the past six months. I saw Boyhood also, but had the opposite response, thought it delightful.I'd expected the aging of the boy to be disjointed but it ran so smoothly from the beginning to the end. I wanted more for the boy at the end, skipping class, mushrooms etc. but it fit his temperment.

Wanted to say I took a class in kiddy lit once and what an experience it was, wonderful class to class. I'd have enjoyed that event.

Darcy0207 from OD ThoughtsAfter ⋅ August 20, 2014

If you ever choose to come to NYC, I can't put you up, but would love to spend time with you ... take you around etc.

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