parody of Coyotes by Modest Mouse in song parodies

  • June 13, 2023, 9:19 p.m.
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bronson pinchot and the blades in the dark
playing a show in new york’s central park
they aren’t aware he’s a serial killer
of those who look like his old co-star mark

as they die, he claims they’re in love with him
and we say, that’s really strange

playing a show in new york’s central park
bronson pinchot and the blades in the dark
they aren’t aware he’s a serial killer
of those who look like his old co-star mark

as they die, he claims they’re in love with him
and we say, that’s really strange

he strangled Joe with an old camping tarp
he strangled Steve with a willow-tree’s bark
they weren’t aware he’s a serial killer
of those who look like his old co-star mark

as they die, he claims they’re in love with him
and we say, that’s really strange

as they die, he claims they’re in love with him
and he claims they’re perfect stranglings
and we say, that’s really strange

as they die, he claims they’re in love with him
and he claims they’re perfect stranglings
and we say, that’s really strange

as they die, he claims they’re in love with him
and he claims they’re perfect stranglings
as they die, they slowly die

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