cat fight? in Hi This is Kat!

  • May 27, 2023, 3:41 p.m.
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  • Public

This morning I was in my happy place sipping my coffee and paying on my phone…when I heard two women with raised voices… I took notice because this is a super quiet neighborhood.
I could not really understand what they were saying because they were at the corner two houses away…
SOOOOOoooo..... I got up and looked through my iron fence just in time to see a lady with a dog (never seen her before) and the woman that live on the corner… guessing by the reaction of the woman with the dog… that she had told her to pick up her dogs poop

Because she bent down and picked up the poo and she actually threw it at her! Not sure if it actually hit her because I was too far away.... but I about sip coffee through my nose and then I bird pooped on my head and I did not think it was funny any longer

I repotted this huge cacti today! it is almost 4 ft tall it think the barrel looks great!![![alt text](http://)](http://)

![![alt text](http://)](http://)

Last updated May 27, 2023

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