it's 3:30am in Everything
- Aug. 21, 2014, 2:35 a.m.
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It's 3:30 in the morning and I can't sleep so I figured I would take this time to write an entry. Sleep is one of the few things I'm really good at, usually. I was an alternate on the US Olympic sleep team back in 84. But alas I can't always be on my game and once in a while sleep just won't happen.
So what should I write about? Well up here in my neck of the woods there is a big story about Market Basket. It's a supermarket chain and there is a power struggle going on in the family that owns it. The former CEO was fired by his cousin who know runs the company, it's a long drawn out family squabble, anywho the employees are all loyal to the former CEO and have pretty much refused to work for the new ownership. As a result the shelves are bare and the customers have started to shop elsewhere. Now I have a Market Basket pretty close by and I have shopped there a handful of times, it's not my supermarket of choice. It's crowded, dirty and the smell that comes from the deli counter is almost unbearable. The only draw is the lower prices, but they are not low enough to make me want to go there. Granted I'm single and so I'm usually spending less than $50 a week on groceries anyway. But the problem is that now my supermarket has been invaded by all those displaced shoppers. I have to weave my way through aisle after packed aisle of people looking at things and saying, to no one in particular, wow this is higher then Market Basket. They have also been out of some of my staple groceries too.Then waiting in kinda long lines at the checkout. I guess what I'm saying is I'm the real victim here.
At work they are starting more rounds of layoffs. I'm actually kinda worried this time, they are transferring most of the purchasing responsibilities to Mexico. Meaning they laid off a bunch of our purchasing staff. That makes no sense but I suppose customer service will be next and then I'll be looking for a job. That's never fun when you have absolutely no marketable skills (sleep studies maybe?). Oh and for some exciting news for the first time since my mid teens I am debt free! I paid off my car and credit card, made my last alimony payment to Sallie Mae (ya just turned 41 and finally am done with student loans). So I guess I'm in good shape to start what I can only assume will be a financial apocalypse if I get let go from my job. On the plus side I actually like cheap beer.
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