I Am Old.... in Me Being Me

Revised: 05/31/2023 10:03 a.m.

  • May 31, 2023, 3 a.m.
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  • Public

No matter what you think or don’t think I am getting old and older as the years go on. The cruncher was when I went to order my hearing aids and I will have them in about three weeks. I am really nervous about having them because now I know my hearing is only going to be getting worse and at some point I won’t be hearing anything.
I talked to my son yesterday and told him I am officially old and he told me that my birthday is in July. I thought that was cute because he is right. And then I told him I will be getting hearing aids and he told me that he had a class mate in grade 5 that had hearing aids and the teacher used a microphone when she was talking to the class so he could hear what was being said. But I do know that people of all ages have hearing aids for all different reasons and not everyone knows that.
The specialists that I went to see yesterday told me that unless I tell people I have them no one will even notice because they are so small and there is only a tiny wire that goes into the ear and it’s hard to see and the part that goes ontop of the ear is also small and will match my hair color.
I have a question for you? if you have hearing aids how long did it take for you to get use to them and do you wear them 24/7? And do you wear them when you are sleeping? I have been told that people wear them all the time so the brain can get use to the sounds it’s missing. I found out that I have trouble hearing some talking sounds and sounds like a bird churping so I figure my hearing loss isn’t all that bad. But hearing aids to me is the same as glasses…you see better with them so I figure I will hear better so that will be a plus.

Onto something else…

Tonights dinner is going to be chicken drumsticks and a fresh vegetable and noodles of some sort. I will be using the airfryer for the chicken. I find everything done in the air fryer so far has turned out perfectly and I like how it doesn’t take a lot of time and clean up is sort of easy.
And then there is the domestic work that needs to get done. and other then that not much.

I need to stop here…
Do Have a great day…
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe and Behave.

Last updated May 31, 2023

theKat May 31, 2023

most people get used to them fast or at least the ones I know did.
personally I would rather wear hearing aids that glasses. thankfully I did not wear either.
just feel blessed not everyone gets to grow old! guessing a fourth of my graduating class in HS has passed already!

Jodie theKat ⋅ May 31, 2023

did you know these peole had hearing aids and did you see them?

theKat Jodie ⋅ May 31, 2023

the new ones you don't see to well... but they told me or I would not have known

Jodie theKat ⋅ May 31, 2023


Anaiss May 31, 2023

My hearing aids are just as you were told -- so small that nobody knows I have them unless I show them. Hearing aids do not like moisture. You don't wear them when you are sleeping, or when you are showering or doing anything to get your head/hair wet. It took no time at all to get used to them.

Jodie Anaiss ⋅ May 31, 2023

Do you get more wax in your ears because of the hearing aids? And does that make hearing worse for you? And do you wear them when there is wax build up?

Anaiss Jodie ⋅ May 31, 2023

I don't get was buildup.

Jodie Anaiss ⋅ May 31, 2023

you are very lucky because it's really frustrating.

Asenath Waite June 01, 2023

I love our air fryer.

Hearing aids, I'm afraid I have no experience with. Hopefully they'll be no big deal for you to get used to.

Jodie Asenath Waite ⋅ June 01, 2023

do you use your air fryer for everything? And have you done somthing like a stir fry? So far I have done frozen boxed fish, tater tots, chicken, pork and steak.
I really like the idea that it takes way less time and then clean up is easy to get done.

Asenath Waite Jodie ⋅ June 01, 2023

We have one of these: https://i.postimg.cc/k4KvXfwH/Smart-Select-20230601-115602-Chrome.jpg

It has the rotisserie basket, or flat racks. I don't think stir fry is really something it could do. Color me jealous if you can. I make a lot of french fries in it, and anything you'd fry in a skillet, like breaded eggplant, burgers, chicken, and fish.

VelveteenRabbit June 02, 2023

My nephew Mathew wore them from about 6-7 years old and on, his daddy was profoundly deaf... Mat is deaf too. I think I need hearing aids too but I'm afraid of losing them ha!

Jodie VelveteenRabbit ⋅ June 02, 2023

Did his dad know ASL? and do you?

VelveteenRabbit Jodie ⋅ June 02, 2023

Yeah, Jim did and I know only the alphabet. We tried teaching Mat to use ASL, but he learnt to talk by watching and listening to me with his aids on. I have a high pitched voice, so, I guess that helped non?

Jodie VelveteenRabbit ⋅ June 02, 2023

I know some of the finger spelling and the numbers but the actual sign for things I know very few.

VelveteenRabbit Jodie ⋅ June 02, 2023

I think if I put my mind to it, I could learn ASL.

Jodie VelveteenRabbit ⋅ June 02, 2023

if you ever want to learn on your own maybe one of these will help?


VelveteenRabbit Jodie ⋅ June 03, 2023

Thnx! :D

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