Guilt in 2023

  • May 21, 2023, 9:55 p.m.
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The guilt is still crushing. I had one job … one. To take care of you. And I failed. I blame myself. I should have seen the signs. I should have forced you to the doctor, that was my fucking job

I’m supposed to take care of the house & us, you’re supposed to go to work and take care of the finances. It was simple. And I fucking failed.

I keep cleaning and recleaning and washing things … I keep taking care of the house but you’re not here anymore … I can’t take care of “us” … I’m so lost.

I’m having a hard time checking in with your family. I blame myself for you death. I was here. They weren’t. You were beside me when you died, not them. I saw you every single day and should have known … they couldn’t have.

They must be so disappointed in me. First I couldn’t take care of you, then I can’t even be their daughter-in-law and grieve properly. Everything is such a mess and so confusing.

Deleted user May 21, 2023

Please let go the guilt, you cannot change anything. Please be gentle with yourself. Live.

Jigger May 29, 2023

Ma’am. There is no way you could have known. And there is nothing you could have done. It’s called a widowmaker for a reason.

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