I need to get in shape. in The Big, Blue, House. Year two.

  • June 20, 2023, 5:08 a.m.
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So roofers from the Neighborhood Partnership are coming to “look at it”, which is awesome, because it’s free, and Don doesn’t need to be clambering up there. But to see the leak(s) from the inside, you have to be in the east side attic closet. Which had a litter box in it for the elderly kitties. (And a little pan to catch any drips.)

The top floor’s two side closets look like this:

Somewhere on my long list of projects is getting rugs and paneling to put in them.

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So I have to vacuum the whole place, and move their litter. And while I’m at it, I should move most of the stuff out of the west side closet in case they want to look in there, too. No biggie, I thought.

That was Friday. It is now Tuesday and I still need to finish vacuuming up the Carpet Fresh that I put down when I moved their litter box, and now I need to vacuum all of the stairs, for all of the little bits of styrofoam.

I am exhausted. I usually vacuum one floor at a time, every couple of days or whenever I start noticing that it needs it. But all three at once, plus moving boxes, has completely wiped me out. And it’s not like this is some inordinately large building. It’s all of the stairs.

So there are stairs to the second floor, where there are two bedrooms and a bathroom, then more stairs to the attic/third floor, which is just one big room with five closets.
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Elizabeth and Minerva, from the stairs yesterday:
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The vast majority of the stuff that was in closets on the third floor, is now in the office, at the back end of the first floor.

Go me. Now you watch, they won’t even come inside.

Oh well. Maybe I burned a few calories, at least.

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