Brutal Hateful Truth in The Secret Writings of Eros: Book 3- Fallout, Pain, Acceptance, and Perseverance
- May 26, 2023, 3:30 a.m.
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There was a hypothetical posed in an online forum.
it said, “If you were given conclusive proof that you would never have a satisfying sexual life; and conclusive proof that you would never have a satisfying romantic life: how would you respond?”
The question was intended to force the reader to consider life and come to a “I do not live for others, I live for me” perspective.
did not arrive at that.
I arrived at the “If my life is to experience no sexual satisfaction nor emotional satisfaction ever? I would rather die now!!” And while that may sound an extreme, not-thought out opinion… it is actual truth. If I were told by a reliable source who KNEW my future that I would never again be in a relationship.... that I would never again bring a woman to orgasm… that I would never again have someone who gave any shits about my own orgasm… If I were told by a reliable source who KNEW my future and my future involved none of that???
Not to sound LOOK AT ME or anything but… if I had reliable information that ###Pre 2020 was the best I could ever expect??? I would most definitely have killed myself before now.
I am not, now, in suicidal ideation. I am just acknowledging the realization that… when I am completely cut off from the romantic or sexual.... for a “long but unspecific time” it feels… particularly rough.
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