ADHD PaRaLySiS in Current Events
- May 20, 2023, 3:38 p.m.
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While I was on TikTok, I came across a term that I decided to explore today called ADHD paralysis. The content creator started the video off with “how I start my day after my ADHD paralysis.” Something to that effect anyway. I didn’t sit through the video. I saw how disorganized and cluttered and messy her bedroom was. She’s a grown ass adult, I scrolled away. Get your life right and clean your room hoe. I almost commented. I didn’t want to sit there and listen to an adult explain why they are special and get to live that way. However, my roommate has ADHD and I became curious today.
I think I fit the bill as somebody with ADHD as well but I’ll get into that later.
Here is a brief description of what it is.
So, What is ADHD Paralysis?
One thing that ADHD Paralysis isn’t is a choice to be lazy, or to put off tasks that we must do. No, the brains of individuals living with ADHD experience a legitimate stress response that can lead to overwhelm, avoidance and complete shut-down in the face of certain types of tasks and stimulation. And understanding this important fact can help to better manage ADHD Paralysis, as well as the stigmas associated with it.
ADHD affects the brain’s executive function, that is, the brain areas that help us to plan ahead, meet goals, juggle tasks, and stay focused. Because of this, when individuals with ADHD start to feel overwhelmed by factors such as too many choices, a tight deadline, or an unclear task, their brain may react with a heightened stress response. The response may look like freezing, avoiding, or procrastinating. This stress can come from different places, and take different forms, such as: ADHD Mental Paralysis, ADHD Choice Paralysis, and ADHD Task Paralysis. Understanding these different types of ADHD Paralysis can help us start to understand how to manage and lessen their effects.
This really does sound like something that I experience except I don’t live like a lazy slob.
I don’t know where I stand on this “ADHD.” It’s become an identity to the creeple. Some people just have weak characters and make bad choices. This feels like a made up condition for big pharma to sell drugs. A made up identity people have to excuse themselves to be doped up all day.
At some point, a group of men decided on a golden standard on how a person should function. If there is a difference then they are neurodivergent and need to be corrected. The measure of their functionality is on how well this person can contribute to this way of life, this cult we call society. They a good tax payer? Employee? Citizen? Etc. This prison we are spiritualizing, isn’t real. Some of us are just not wired for it.
There is a phenomena, of course. It’s just been increasing. In my medical heathen world of terrain theory, these “neurodivergent” people have heavy metals in their brains. That toxic burden is the cause and we need to remove that waste instead of doping everybody.
I know I fit the bill, I could get diagnosed easily but I could just simply, though not so easily, power through it. Find ways to work with it and/or around it. I do want to go on a heavy metal detox. I just haven’t had the funds to see a naturopath about it. I’m magnetic like the vaccinated are except I didn’t perform that blood ritual. I’m trying to avoid being in that suicide cult. My roommate didn’t have the self-esteem to be around people that drank the Kool-aid so she got it. This she’s been shedding that toxic waste. She also got very sick right after and now has two autoimmune diseases. Just another coincidence, of course. All hail the medical mRNA messiah. In $cience name gaymen.
I just find it interesting that the more I explore this ADHD the clearer the picture of my roommate gets. Her Attention Deficit Disorder, which comes with her Oppositional Defiance Disorder and this ADHD Paralysis. She will go weeks without cleaning her space or cooking for herself. I had to approach her about that laundry basket in her room which still has dirty Tupperware that she let pile up for weeks. She left the ones with mold in it for last. That could take another week.
She is still a better roommate than the crackhead who wasn’t potty trained and hoarded all bowls, pots and bins in his room to piss in. That was more shocking to find than this. I don’t want to talk about it lol
Anyway, I got to get ready to go. Going to some tropic exhibit my city paid millions on. I have to pay for admission, which is BS because I already paid for everything in it. If it’s public, we paid for it and it’s our property and they’re double dipping. Whatever, who cares. I’m just cranky today lol
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