What Is Your Room Tempature In The Mornings? in Me Being Me

Revised: 05/09/2023 10:24 p.m.

  • May 9, 2023, 5 p.m.
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Mine this morning at 3:41 am is at 66.2 and the tempature out side is at 46 degrees F. I did put another bloanket on my bed but I am finding that I am getting too hot and waking up several times in the night. There is no heat comong out of the heat vents or even the air vents because her programable thermomitor is turned off.
The only thing that is a perfect tempature is the RH percentage and that is at 50% right now which is where it’s suppose to be. And I am finding even with my house coat and winter slippers I am still cold espcially my feet and hands.
So what I am doing is when I do wake up I am putting the oven at 450 degrees and opening the door and leaving it on till the room gets to be about 70 degrees which takes about 4 hours or so and I do feel a lot more confortable and I then can get things done. The room that feels the coldest is the bathroom and I get goose bumps on my arms and then there is the drop of water that drips from the pipe that is above the toilet.
No matter what the tempature is I never get enough heat because the furnace is full of dust and I know the heat vents and air vents have way more dust then what I saw. But she thinks that they are totally clear and they are not because the dust starts at the furnace and travels through the vents.
The thing I don’t understand is what she has against of service people comming in to fix things and to help maintain things? The money that would be saved would be incrediable. Like the gas furnace she would save 30% plus turning the heat down would save maybe another 10% and the furnace would run more efficantly and there would actually be heat at the lower tempatures. I mean mainting things is exactly the same as maintaining you and your health. But the thing I am worried about the longer this furnace has clogged air vents and heating vents the more issues I can see and then the worst of the worst will happen and I will be the one who gets hurt. And most likly blamed and then evicted.
Anyways life goes on and I just need to hope that nothing here explodes and that I will one day not hate her like I do. I don’t think I hate her as a person but from her actions and I think that is different. I wouldn’t mind so much if she told me why when I ask a questions instead of out right NO and then maybe I will understand better. And to tell me she doesn’t want to or it’s too expensive is not an answer because the things I ask to be fixed can turn out to be dangerous. But then I feel like I am stuck because I can’t do anything about it myself. I really dislike having to depend on others to fix and do things for me. I like to be the independent one and just get it done so I can forget about it and not worry.

Onto something else....

Well, it’s back to work for hubby and I get to stay home and be the domestic that I am and actually get some things done. and dinner tonight is going to be something with ground beef. Maybe my famous spagetti and meat sauce.

Well, I need to stop here…
Do have a great day…
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe and Behave.

Last updated May 09, 2023

fjäril May 10, 2023

I haven't yet turned on my air conditioner and I turned the furnace off, so it's been about 70°F in the house with the heat coming from outside. Once it gets warmer outside, I might turn the air conditioner on.

I do want to replace my furnace this summer though, I think my home warranty covers most of that cost thank goodness! I imagine the savings from either fixing or replacing current equipment would save much more money than the initial cost is, so I don't understand why your landlady is so neglectful of these things.

Jodie fjäril ⋅ May 10, 2023

I read somewhere that if a gas furnace is serviced and maintained a person could save 30% and I think she knows that things that are serviced and maintained do save money in the long run. And because I am poor I do know how to save a ton of money because I have been doing it all my adult life.
Right now the room tampature here is at 67.6 and if feels cold but outside it's 59 and sunny so that is why it feels warmer outside. She just doesn't get it...

toddslife May 10, 2023

she worries about your candles being a fire hazard but looks what shes dos not maintaining things like the furnace can be a fire hazard to but the birth doesn't care about that. its all what she wants

Jodie toddslife ⋅ May 10, 2023

I know, and she also is terrified of space heaters because they can be knocked over and catch fire. But the thing is they don't do that anymore becasue the governemet has safty features like if it is knocked over it will automatically stop.

toddslife Jodie ⋅ May 10, 2023

yes my mom had one that had safety features if you picked it up to move one way or the outer it would shutoff teel you put it down then it would come back on

theKat May 15, 2023

66 -68 is what I keep the thermostat on in the winter it is better to sleep with it cooler

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