Some People (Not You) in Me Being Me

Revised: 05/08/2023 4:15 p.m.

  • May 8, 2023, 9 a.m.
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Why is it that some landlords think that because they own the place you live in can bully you and threaten you? What is the point because you either treat them the same or move. And then when you talk to them you talk like you are loud and obnoxious and whatever they ask you to do you don’t do it.
Since the heat has been turned off not once has she asked how it is down here and she hasn’t come back to fix the cover for the airvent in hubby’s room. She left two screws one on the floor and one on his night table and I threw them into the garbage. I am thinking she wanted them but I am not sure for what because this thing doesn’t have any screw holes and she said she was going to saw it to size but then that won’t work because cutting plastic never works. And I told her it needs to be the right size from the start and she said there wasn’t any others the right size. But then she only went to one store and didn’t look on line as to who might have the right one.
I have a question? Do you think behaviour has anything to do with a landlord fixing things or when the renter asks for something that they say no? I do have behaviour issues because I have displaced anger and I have alread blown up once at her and I can feel it that it will be happening again soon.
But the thing is that I will tell hubby that it will happen just so he knows.
Until I moved here my dispaced anger was in a good place and I was happy and doing everything right. But then I moived here and saw what was wrong and tried to get it fixed but she always said she would but never did and then later said she had no money to fix it. Then the other day she tells me she has more then enough money and that really got me mad because I knew she had the money to fix things but she kept on lieing to me. So now when she says things I just don’t believe her until it actually happens. I hate people like that. And I don’t trust to to actually fix something so it doesn’t break or stop working because I know that it’s only a matter of time before it does.
You know how some people always have a bad rap? Just because they are known for some bad things? Like a sibling who shot someone and then the other sibling always gets “Oh you are so and so’s sibling?” and then the look on the faces of others who know. I am wondering if there are more people who come from New Zeland who are the same as the landlord? Okay maybe not becasue of where she came from but just her and her personality and the way she thinks and does things?
And the funny thing is I have been here for a lot of years and she still doesn’t know how to spell my name. And when she is talking to me she calls me kid and never my name. I think I am a bit too old to be called kid and I would much rather my name used and then I don’t feel likie I am the same as the rest of the younger people she calls kid.
I just wish that we could all sit down and talk about why I am being like aI am and find out the truth of why she won’t fix things. And to have soome sort of compermise so we can get along and be happy. But that will never happen because she is right and I have no say in anything or freedoms.

Onto something else…

Yesterday I did manage to get some laundry done and today I am doing more.
And hubby went to do some grocery shopping yesterday with his brother and they ended up getting back ribs and prokchops and some fruit and vegetables so now we are set for a bit.
And I am still not feeling 100% my stomach is hurting so the trots are happeneing and it is not a pretty sight.
Well I just need to take it easy and forget that there is a slumlord and start to be happy…

I need to stop here…
Do have a great day…
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe and Behave.

Last updated May 08, 2023

theKat May 08, 2023

I feel you both make it hard on each other. you knew she needed the screws to put back the vent... personally I would have just screwed them back in and been done with it but now you all will agree over the lost screws and the vent not being up

Jodie theKat ⋅ May 08, 2023

except this new cover has no holes for the screws....

.bleu. Jodie ⋅ May 08, 2023

I agree with the above commenter
Yeah it had no holes, but she was going to predrill holes in the cover... its possible to do it on plastic, if you're really careful. And if it ends up breaking the plastic, that's on her. Maybe instead of throwing away the screws, you could've just put them somewhere else.
I think a tenant's behavior does have to do with if a landlord will fix things around the place. If your behavior is unbearable to her and she has to deal with it everytime she talks to you, she might try avoiding it at all costs, so she makes excuses or doesn't want to fix things that need to be. Thing is is if you keep exploding on her like you say you will, it won't be a good thing after a while because she may eventually evict you. You have displaced anger? Cute story. That's nobody's problem but your own. It doesn't give you any right to explode on people when you get frustrated.
I'm really not trying to sound like a bitch, but honestly, you sound like you're in the wrong about this. It's over something so simple. An airvent cover.. really? Let the landlord try to fix it the way she sees fit. Don't be telling her she can't do it... maybe if she's careful drilling a hole, it'll work.

Jodie .bleu. ⋅ May 08, 2023

The thing is that the things that need to be fixed she has to by law because they are essential and every pro including the rental people have told me so... Ane the things that need to be fixed are dangerous to my health and well being.
I have also asked her to clean up after she does do something and she never does and she should have told me aboiut the screws being left or taken them with her. I always try to ask her with the words "please" and I would really appreciate it if you fixed this" And then she shuts the door on my face and walks away. And when she does fix something she always does it half fast and never the right way. I know this because I have to live with what she does.
And by the way you are not a bitch and I do appreciate what you have said to me.

Asenath Waite May 08, 2023

It's obvious that you hate that place, and you're miserable there, and the landlady is the cause. So pitching the screws was a tiny bit of revenge.

She treats you badly because she knows she can. That's it. If she had trouble finding anyone to rent to, she'd treat her renters better, to keep them. But she knows you're not going anywhere, so she takes you for granted.

The whole situation is awful, and I wish you could find somewhere else.

Jodie Asenath Waite ⋅ May 08, 2023

It is awful and I ha doing everything according to the renaters law that I can and I will be rporting her when I know I will win and then she will have to pay a fine and pay me.
I can't understand why she just won't compermise with me because I would make it so she can save a ton of money on her heating and gas costs but she won't listen to me. I told her to keep the heat at 69 or 70 and to get the furnace serviced so when the temapture goes below it will get the furnace going. But then she could have the tempature at 62 and the heat would still come out of the vents. But the sad thing is when I blow up at her I start to scream at her and tell her what a fuck up she is and how she is an abuser and a slumlord and I also call her cheap slut. I will get her one day and it will be very leagal and I will win.

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