Wednesday in Just me
Revised: 05/04/2023 5:19 p.m.
- May 3, 2023, 2 a.m.
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my daughter had an appointment this day. i took a shower and got ready for that. i didn’t do much else, just that takes a lot. i get so overwhelmed so easily. So much to do and seem that i just physically can’t do it. After her appointment we went shopping, then to the pet store to get stuff for the many critters. i love them all, but they are a lot of work. 9 frogs, 4 different types, 3 big fishtanks of fish, 2 cats, 3 dogs.. yeah they can also be overwhelming. When we finally go done we just got fast food and went home.. didn’t work on the clothes much.. just moved them around a bit. Wish i would have done more. i feel bad for not getting more done.
Last updated May 04, 2023
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