I Am Trotting... in Me Being Me

Revised: 05/04/2023 9:54 a.m.

  • May 4, 2023, 3 a.m.
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  • Public

You want to come along? My stomache hasn’t been good. I get these pains and then I need to trott to the throne. And what comes out is not very pretty but at least something comes out and it’s not all liquid like the last time. And my stomach starts to hurt at all different times of the day and it’s frusturating because then I don’t want to eat.
Yesterday the heat was on all day and all night at more then 70. And last night around dinner time it was at 80 so there is something wrong with the programmer she has. I don’t dare phone her and ask her to turn down the heat so I just suffered. But the thing I don’t get is why she wouldn’t tell us there is a problem and she is trying to fix it? And since it’s a new season why she won’t turn the heat down is beyond me. I wonder what it will be like near the end of June when it’s summer time?

Onto something else....

I am not sure what dinner will be or even if I will be eating anything.
And I need to force myself to get the laundry done because noiw there is only a few things left in hubby’s dresser. Even if I do one load that will be a good chunck of his clothes and then he will have at least some things to wear.
Well, I need to stop here and trott to the throne again…
Do have a great day…
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe and Behave.

Last updated May 04, 2023

theKat May 04, 2023

feel better soon!

Jodie theKat ⋅ May 04, 2023

I am trying....Just so you know she came and put a new filter in the furnace and sort of cleaned the airvents and heat vents not well or good enough. And she said she is not going to pay anyone to do any work here so hopefully the furnace will combust and catch on fire at some point and I just pray I am not here and read about her being dead...one can only hope.

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