7/31 in --
- July 31, 2014, 4:39 p.m.
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I forgot to write about a funny incident that occurred last week. Jacob was taking Lorelei to the bedroom to change her, and he wasn't wearing a shirt. Well, she managed to latch on to Jacob. Hahah. Hungry girl! she is always trying to find anything to latch on to. sometimes when she does tummy time she tries to eat the floor... she is silly.
Cannon's behavior has been a lot better the past couple of days. he tends to act out when he is hungry and tired, and the day I posted my last entry he refused to eat and nap, so he didn't know how to handle that. neither of us did, I suppose. his bedtimes are still not before 3am but at least he is sleeping when he does finally go to bed. We took him to the park yesterday and he took a four-hour nap. tired boy!
I've been pumping once a day to try to have some extra milk for her if we ever need to leave her with the grandparents or something, but my boobs don't want to seem to cooperate. I was able to get more out the first time around. I couldn't even get half an ounce yesterday. today I got an ounce, but maybe that is all she is eating in one feeding right now, I don't know. I also know that pumping says nothing about actual supply. I know she is getting enough to eat, and that's what matters.
We have been having such a mild summer for Kansas. I am scared of what this winter is going to be like. :/ I hate cold weather, man. I need to 95 degrees! no humidity, of course. it's been in the 80s. not good enough for swimming!
I finally got ahold of my dream dress and I can't wait to wear it! I have been searching for it for years. It's supposed to arrive in the mail on Friday. It won't fit for awhile but at least I have it for when it does.
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