One small section in keeping it postive

  • July 31, 2014, 5:49 a.m.
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I have lived in this apartment longer than anywhere else in my life - over 25 years! It's a large apartment - my bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom, what was the pets' room until VERY recently, the "office" (where old computers just wait)... , then the living room and dining room branch off from the LONG hallway (the other rooms have doorways to the hallway - not all have DOORS, just doorways).

I like the idea behind "a place for everything; and everything in its place", but although I have a lot of places... I have MORE of "everything". I had emptied my classroom for three consecutive years - not counting what was ALREADY in the apartment. I broke up with a boyfriend and suddenly had to bring here whatever had been THERE.

I deal with stress by reading (hence, the stacks and stacks of books... to be read). I do participate in book exchanges and often send out five books a week.

In reviewing small areas of my apartment at a time, I find many things I can use (mailing envelopes come in handy when send out books), and many things I no longer have any use for (stickers come to mind - packs and packs of stickers). I can use the opened packages, but will donate the HUNDREDS of unopened packs. Yes, literally hundreds. What WAS I thinking???? Yes, great prices, but REALLY???

The older I get, the more I realize I did far too much shopping when I was younger! I call my parents' apartment, the house of multiples... and the nut does not fall far from the tree! I have enough stationery on hand for MANY pen pals, enough books, stickers, clothing..., pens, etc.

It's stressful to clear stuff out. It's shameful also - why hadn't I done this before, what HAD I been thinking in buying all of this? Why is this still here? ETC. So it's a small corner at a time. The job of a lifetime for sure!

Darcy0207 from OD July 31, 2014

About a dozen teachers got in touch with my through facebook. I have a huge load to drop off at the post office! YAY!

ermentrude August 01, 2014

But so cathartic to unload it all :-) x

Darcy0207 from OD ermentrude ⋅ August 01, 2014

Yep! I cleared out a LOT of one filing cabinet and started to consider consolidating from another to maybe get rid of that one.

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