clearing out in keeping it postive

  • July 31, 2014, 11:08 p.m.
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  • Public

Earlier today, I posted on a teacher site on facebook, that I had stickers and other material to get rid of... OMG!!

I've spent the day packing up sticker, worksheets, workbooks, etc.

I sent out almost 10 packages today, and I have about the same to send out tomorrow. Now I have to hunt down more material to get it ready to go. YAY!

Ragdolls August 02, 2014

Nicko the famous August 03, 2014

That's so good! Much better than throwing stuff in the trash when there's underfunded schools etc and teachers buying resources out of their own money! Good work!

Darcy0207 from OD Nicko the famous ⋅ August 03, 2014

It'll cost a lot as I've cleared out an entire file drawer of worksheets to send out. But it is satisfying for sure.

RosesAreRed August 04, 2014


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