um. weather. in The Wonderland Years: 2014. Done.

  • July 28, 2014, 9:22 p.m.
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  • Public

yeah sso i'm back. er I didn't go anywhere I've just not written a public entry in what seems like awhile. wow this summer went by fast. it doesn't feel quite like summer cause other than when I've been at my mom's I haven't gone anywhere by myself. like I've been to places by myself [ok well the store] but i'm driven there. no i'm not allowed to go anywhere by myself. [no i'm really not. actually. and I don't even know if going places on the bus would be ok]. yeah it is not good. for your bones. and you'd be short too. you'd be irritable too. you'd be. bitching too. ok i'm not fukin 2.

oh. right. and for summers other than this one I go places by myself.

so we. we've had like. 4 tornado sirens here. which I've never had before. when I was living in Denver. [again i'm now living in aurora. I've been since March but moved in May]. and we've had a lot of rain too.

I've seen the family a lot. Nicole and jared and leela and riley. they're jenn's family. um..........oh and evan and I've been getting together.

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