cat in rants

  • July 24, 2014, 10:28 a.m.
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  • Public

He's 14 years old and is very sick. I am sure the vet will be taking a large chunk of my recent earnings. He has fluid in his lungs, and enlarged kidneys. Maybe it's all from the hyperthyroidism... maybe not. he's 14... and this is going to cost in the thousands! YIKES.

Deleted user July 24, 2014

That's sad...sorry for you...E

Darcy0207 from OD July 24, 2014

he's gone. The vet just called.

whowhatwhere July 24, 2014


ermentrude July 24, 2014

hugs I'm so sorry, pets are so much like family members. X

Darcy0207 from OD July 25, 2014

Thank you all. I was doing some calculation - I've had pets for 40 years straight. This is the first time in decades where there is no chosen animal in the apartment with me.

tumbleweed247 July 25, 2014

So sorry for your loss. :( Pets are family. hugs

Darcy0207 from OD tumbleweed247 ⋅ July 25, 2014

So true! Thank you

Ragdolls July 25, 2014

So sorry for your loss! Our furbabies are our family! {{{HUGS}}}

Darcy0207 from OD Ragdolls ⋅ July 26, 2014

thanks. And I have so little family... and it's basically far away. I still look for him where he used to be.

raeven July 26, 2014

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Darcy0207 from OD raeven ⋅ July 26, 2014

thank you...

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