Broke down car,pet play couple flirted with me, obsessed with silence, in Just Life

  • April 17, 2023, 6 p.m.
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Two headgaskets blew on my car and the radiator busted causing it to overheat. I swerved to avoid a police officer who turn on his lights he cut in front of me to pull someone over. Sadly when I served I hit a dead deer who I couldn’t see due to the flashing lights. Another police officer behind me wondered why I swerved until he too hit zombie Bambie. The next day I was going to work when it overheated.

The mechanic looked at the car he told me there is $3,072.93 worth of damage. I asked my mom what to do. My mom said let’s fix it. I gave the mechanic $600 for parts he needed to fix it. I hope there is no more surprises. The mechanic estimates I should get my retired police car back either Friday or Saturday. My husband swears it isn’t worth repairing and tried to convince me to buy him a truck to drive. He wasn’t even going to get me a vehicle. I think he was focused on him.

I explained to my boss my car is broke down. None of my friends want to get up at 4 am to get me to work at 5. Gina threatened to fire me. I told her you are going to fire me because transportation issues? I am a good dependable worker. Can’t you get me a hotel room or something after all I work for a damn hotel. She told me take a taxi.. taxi in my hometown don’t pick people up until 6 am. Breakfast starts at 6 am. I can’t afford the $40 one way from my home to the hotel. To get a truck at U-Haul that too is $40 a day 59 cents a mile. Gina talked with Becky and gave me a hotel room for the days I work till my car is fixed. I almost quit due to transportation issues. I told her working isn’t the problem I am willing. I just needed a way to get there. After Gina gave me attitude she realized I want to be there. They compromised so I can keep working. I like my job so I am grateful.

Jude and Emily are 2 of my many best friends. They have been driving my husband back and forth from work and helping me complete tasks. I really owe them so much. They saved my job. They help me in the afternoons after Jude gets off of work. I am forever grateful to them

They know anything they need husband and I care for them like they care for us. We give them rides pay for their meals and help them asking nothing in return. I wish I had blood kin as good as Emily and Jude. I am so fortunate to have them in my life.

I had a very peaceful day at work. No arguing or drama. I discovered the walk in shower at the hotel is simply glorious. Perfect temperature really comfortable great for sore muscles after a long day.My husband has been wanting me to install one in our bathroom at the house. I can defiantly see why.

I have been saving my vacation time for next year. After I get paid days off I plan to travel a little. Due to me working at the hotel if I go on vacation I pay $35 a day for a hotel room. I can travel in all 50 states and around the world. When I get better financially I plan to travel.

Yesterday while I was waiting on Jude to pick me up I noticed a woman with dog ears,a tail,dog chain and collar. Her significant other was collared too. She told me I was cute flirted with me and offered to give me marijuana. I told her no thanks I don’t get high. I told her I am tired. I just want to go home and sleep. She said she would sleep with me.. I was startled. I told her I prefer to sleep alone. She asked me how I thought I was going to sleep with both of them satisfying me. I was horrified. I text Jude telling him a Furry girl is trying to sleep with me. Hurry she scares me. I alerted husband and Emily about the girl flirting with me. I begged my husband to call me while the collared Emo girl told her bf she wants to collar me too. She was petting my hair.

The phone rang and I ran begging Talan save me. I ran through the parking lot hiding from the dog like couple. Jude saw my text message busted our laughing. He spent the rest of the afternoon sending me anime girls with dog ears asking me how I could resist? Husband Emily and Jude kept teasing me. They have no idea how uncomfortable I was. I haven’t been flirted that hard with in over 10 years. 18 years old were flirting with me.. omg I am almost old enough to be their mothers!

I have one more day at work. I then have 2 days off. I have every intentions of hiding. I enjoy quiet. I have a TV in the room that hadn’t been turned on once.. the quiet is so appealing. It nice not driving and running chores. It’s nice to just relax. I guess this is my vacation for caring for my mom for so long. My husband has been watching her at home. Peace could get addictive. I love being alone.

Last updated April 17, 2023

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