Life in 2023
- April 15, 2023, 4:03 p.m.
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I think what hurts the most is that I don’t believe there’s anything after death. I never have. If there were life after death, then what is the point of life to begin with?
I believe our souls are … recycled? That we’ve lived previous lives and will live future lives too, but the man I loved? The soul I cherished in this life? You’re gone.
Did we love eachother in a previous life the way we did in this one? Probably.
Will we find and love eachother again in a future life? Most likely.
But I’m here in this life right now.
And you’re gone.
Looking for peace ⋅ April 15, 2023
I've had too many experiences with ghosts and demons to not think there's something after. So I'm opposite of you. There's so much we don't know, other dimensions.
~*Phoenix*~ Looking for peace ⋅ April 15, 2023
I desperately hope you're right and I'm wrong, but in a more pleasant sense than demons. I know he's with me in my soul now, I just wish ... idk what I wish.