Hot yesterday – you should feel today! in The odd entries from life …….
- July 16, 2014, 11 p.m.
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Did I say it was hot yesterday, well it is HOT today and our dogs agility class run just twenty minutes, and they both left the field wearing their cool jackets; Lola’s is a little to big and she didn’t think much of walking to the car through long grass! Lola and I sat in the shade next to the car, this was while Ziggy with Daughter and Jo took a walk as part of his behaviour training, Ziggy was I’m told he was very good witch is more than we could say of an other and smaller dog; who’s complaints could be heard as they walked Ziggy.
Lola wasn’t barking but a squealing sound of complaint, it has such a high pitch that it uncomfortable on you ears when in the car; it was quite bad enough out in the open. The corner spot where the shelter is has also several vicious brambles, they are half an inch across or a good centimetre; which ever they are not good should you got caught up. Note for Sunday – secateurs!
Since I broke of from this entry our weather has changed, late afternoon the clouds rolled in and the air soon felt fresh, by early evening it started to look as if rain was near by. Then as day-light faded I heard a deep rumbling, and through the lace curtains I saw a flash of lighting and soon flowed by thunder, it’s a long time since we’ve had a proper nosey storm, Ziggy stayed in the kitchen with our Daughter, we were watching ‘John Bishop Australia’ Lola didn’t bother about the thunder or the lighting; but was going at the screen and the huge salt water Crocodile on the screen!
The storm lasted over two hours with a few distance rumbling thundering, I sat in the sun lounge with the light off, mostly it was just lighting way out over the sea; a silent lighting show over the other side of the valley! As I type it is nearing midnight, now and then I can hear a distant rumbling; and inside it is feeling rather close again. We’ll see what happens over night, if a storm passes over our valley it can be very loud, so I could see a storm in the darkness; if Sweetheart gives my a poke and tall’s my it’s started again …….
Last updated July 17, 2014
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