It's 5 O'Clock in the morning somewhere ... in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Oct. 5, 2013, 7:31 a.m.
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I'm really, really beginning to hate this night shift work. Granted it works best for my little family. But it is starting to wear me down. I hate to give it up though because it is the only down time I get. I get paid to sit in peace and quiet. I get paid to watch Netfilx (actually, it is more like background noise for me). I get paid to play my games on Facebook. I get paid to read entries here on Prosebox. I get paid to relax and chill. All things that I am unable to do at home.

At home I am cleaning something, fixing this meal or that, washing a load of laundry, or running The Child somewhere for one of her things she has during the week. I don't get to sit and read at home. It's all I can do to watch The Voice. Most times than not, it is recorded and I try to watch it late at night or at least have it playing so that I can catch bits and pieces of it as I am passing through the room.

Before I started working I had plenty of chill time. Housework was a breeze because I was able to stay on top of it. I had a routine, I had a system down pat. Now? Pfffffttttt. I'm lucky most days to pick The Child up from school on time. It drives me batty that I can't seem to get a good routine going. It makes me want to cry that housework piles up on me and makes me feel swamped.

Of course, it doesn't help that my work schedule is not consistent. I'm supposed to be strictly 11 pm - 7 am on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. Most weeks it stays that. But then some weeks I'm getting called in or asked to switch.

Like for instance, you remember me discussing a couple of entries ago about Nikki and how she was going to be fired. Well she was. But damn Rachel didn't wait to have a replacement first. Damnit! So of course everyone's all "Well Sassy only works 3 days so she can pick up 2 of Nikki shifts and Ruth & Shelia will each pick up one shift to cover Nikki's 4 shifts." The hell? So I had to remind Rachel that I couldn't do 3 pm - 11 pm during the week because of The Child getting out of school at 3 pm (even though most days she stays after for band practice till 3:30). And no Rachel, I will NOT sign her out early so that I can be to work at 3 so that you can leave. (Yes she asked!) Besides, The Child has karate practice on Monday & Fridays, volley ball practice on Tuesday & Thursdays, Girl Scouts every other Tuesday and volley ball games on Saturdays. There is too much going on during the week with her. I'm not going to make her give all that up just so I can work 3-11. Yes, Hubby is able to take her but A) he's been having to work a lot of overtime lately (some days 14 hours) and hasn't been able to leave work at 5 to have her to her practices B) I really don't want to miss out on all of this. She is our only child. One day she will be grown and gone and I WANT to have all these memories of the chaos. I want to enjoy her enjoying her experiences. That's why I work the night shift on the weekends.

Anyway, because I "can't" work 3 - 11, Rachel is having to. Which means I have to cover the 7 am - 3 pm shift for Rachel. Which, granted, that is the perfect shift for me to work. But the owner wants only Rachel working the day shift. But since she fired Nikki before hiring a replacement, she is having to suffer the consequences. Which she is not happy about. Oh well. So anyway, instead of my measly 24 hour work weeks, I've been doing 40 hours plus making sure The Child is here and there and wherever it is she needs to be plus trying to stay on top of housework and laundry and meals and damn if I ain't exhausted! I wish my OCD would allow me to allow my house to go unclean but nope, not gonna happen in this lifetime apparently.

This too shall pass, right? lol Hopefully we'll have someone hired/trained/working in a couple of weeks.

Rachel and Joleen finally came to blows. Rachel is the General Manager of the hotel I work at and Joleen is the owner's mother who lives on property also and is more or less getting paid to do little piddly stuff like run errands and talk to the guests. She's 76 and her son, Bill, the owner doesn't want her doing a whole lot because of her age. Of course Joleen does what she wants and Bill or Rachel be damned! If she wants to change the trash in the outside cans, then that is what she will do. And Rachel will get her ass chewed out for it lol.

Rachel is 24, a single mother of a 4 year old snot-nosed brat who runs wild in the hotel. She has no college education. She's never "managed" a business before this hotel. But she has a good business head on her shoulders. She CAN get the job done. If she so chooses to do said job. Which most days, she does not. Bill likes to root for the underdogs and is molding her to be a good GM. With that being said, half the stuff Joleen does, Rachel was supposed to do it but kept putting it off for so long that Joleen got pissed and did it herself. Like changing the outside trash. Rachel very rarely, and I do mean very rarely, checks rooms after the house keepers clean a room. Do you know how embarrassing it is to rent a room only to have the guest come back down and ask for another room because the room you assigned them to was dirty? And of course it is always someone's fault other than her own. "I don't know why the house keeper didn't clean it. It was on her list to clean." Or "The night auditor didn't put it down on the list to be cleaned." According to her, it is not her place to go behind people to make sure they get their job done. Excuse me? Say that again?

Anyway, Rachel hates that Joleen is always "getting Rachel in trouble with Bill" and they often give each other the cold shoulder.

They have both "confided" their grievances to me. I can see both points of view. They are both correct. They are both wrong. But you can't tell them that. Only one of them is right. The other one is wrong. I am so sick of being surrounded by grown adults who act like 2 year old's. If I wanted to work with children, I would have applied at a day care center. Ugh.

Push comes to shove, I'll leave. Minimum wage is so not worth this. Not at all.

And hell NO, I will not accept the GM position if it is offered to me. Sorry Joleen but my family comes first. General Manager of this hotel would not allow me to put my family first so no thank. I'll keep my minimum wage position, and my sanity, and be happy. Even if that means leaving this hotel for another one. Dodge City, Kansas may not have much, if anything at all, but it has 16 hotels (soon to be 17) that needs a desk clerk.

Till next time ....

B+ October 10, 2013

I fixed it! Now... to actually read the entry...

B+ October 10, 2013

While I kind of understand where Rachel is coming with the "anti-micro-managing" she should be doing a spot-check, and if there's a housekeeper that's constantly failing to clean a room, or if a night auditor isn't putting rooms on a list, it's her job to rectify that. o.O

I only sometimes feel like I'm missing out on stuff... but it's making Alex have to do more with the kids, and that's good for them...

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