movie buddy in keeping it postive

  • July 12, 2014, 1:17 p.m.
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I have a friend I go to the movies with - a movie buddy. Sometimes we go to a museum also, but usually it's just movie and dinner. We've been friends over 10 years now.

For one reason or another - I was exhausted from working full time, he needed to get extra work done, there was a holiday or other (he's Orthodox), his mother needed extra assistance - we hadn't gotten together for months. (We usually see each other two to three times a month.)

FINALLY, we got together this past Thursday. We went to see "How to Train Your Dragon - part 2". It was playing in a theater we don't go to as frequently - but still AMC, so we could use the discount coupons I have. This theater was recently refurbished with the amazing RECLINER chairs. They were SO comfortable!! Gotta go back THERE soon!

Ah, the movie - 3-D, which usually is a problem, but didn't cause any headache or disorientation - a good thing. It was lots of fun! I love dragons anyway... although some were very odd looking and ugly. I am veering away from the comic book movies, but still like a good animation. It seemed to be the end of the series as loose ends were tied up. Who knows.

We always end the evening with dinner - at Hummus Place (YUM!!).

woman in the moon July 12, 2014

Nice evening. It's good to have someone to share interests with.

Darcy0207 from OD woman in the moon ⋅ July 12, 2014

We have two relationships - one, on-line - between facebook and e-mail; the other face to face. We seem to discuss different things depending on "where". It's odd... sometimes there's cross over, but really the stuff that's difficult to talk about we do electronically.

woman in the moon Darcy0207 from OD ⋅ July 12, 2014

Its easier to be 'ourselves' on line sometimes.

ermentrude July 12, 2014

Oh man, if there were recliner seats in our cinema I think I'd fall asleep! X

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