Memorials I guess in 2023
- April 11, 2023, 8:28 p.m.
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I’m so glad I saved your silly paper towel & sharpie love notes.
I know we said we would never tattoo eachothers names on our own bodies because it’s bad luck but .. I think we’re a little past that now so .. I’m having “Loves Babes!” in your writing tattooed on my left forearm, and then your proper name and .. dates.
Mara is buying me a memorial necklace. It’s a heart shape, and it’ll have your fingerprints on one side and your photo etched on the other. I’m going to wear it behind the heart necklace you gave me 4 years ago and I’ve never taken off. Your photo will show through the open middle, and your fingerprints will be against my skin.
I don’t know when you’ll be home .. when your urns are complete, I guess. You’ll come home with me, with your parents, and we will give some of you back to the earth on the pitching mound of the ball field you played your last game on. It’s strange to be talking about you like this. It’s still not real.
I guess it won’t ever be real. It can’t be.
Jigger ⋅ April 12, 2023
I love the idea of a memorial tattoo. Carry him with you wherever you go.