Mucho Beddah in Hello

  • April 10, 2023, 10:45 p.m.
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I feel a lot better than I did yesterday.

Our Easter meal was small and quaint. Baked ham, squash casserole, green beans (ick) dressing with gravy. Only my aunt came, her daughter and two grandkids stayed behind. Most of the leftovers she took home for the fam. The ham was so juicy and we’ve got a lot leftover. Spent most of the day/night watching Tournament Of Champions on Food Network.

The cracks on my phones screen are/were pressing random buttons. It seems to have stopped now but my screen has a bunch of lines crossing through it like an old tv or monitor. Might swing by T-Mobile and take a look at a newer model.

Shower first, I’m funky.

Oh ya, I finished Assassin’s Creed Origins. The last mission was the assassination of Julius Caesar. The history dork in me was giddy. I’m playing AC Odyssey now. Time frame is the war between Sparta and Athens. Roughly 431 BCE.

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