Being Accused As A Crook? in Me Being Me
Revised: 04/02/2023 7:48 a.m.
- April 2, 2023, 3 a.m.
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This indicment thing with Trump is very iteresting because I have never ever in my whole life being alive have I ever seen a man like Trump. Even from Canada we can see what a horrible person he is and how he hates the first world countries. The only countries that seem to like him are the communist countries. I wonder if Trump tried to force those countries to add 2% to their military?
I would love to know what the Felony charge is becasue that one will definatly send him to jail for a while at least. I have always known that the money he gave to Stormy wasn’t much of an issue except he didn’t pay taxes on it. it was always about where that money came from and how he hid the payment(s). When all of this is over I will be classifing Trump as a crook and a theif and I will never have any respect for him nor will I ever support him. And if he should get sick and die or just die well, then too bad for him. I don’t care much now for him and the more trouble he gets into the less I care. But all of this is now apart of history and soon everyone will know because it will be taught at school.
Trump could have become anything he wanted and would have done very well but I blame his parents because they only taught him what they knew and that is how to cheat and steal.
I wonder if trump saying he did nothing wrong is the same as Nixen saying he wasn’t a crook? I actually had more respect for Nixen then I do for Trump because Noixen did what was right in the end and Trump hasn’t and now he is being treated like the rest of the crooks.
I bet you that the Republicans will also be charges with obstruction once Trump has gotten his punsihment because what they are doing is trying to stop the process from ending.
But then I am just a Canadian and I know I am missing a lot of information but I do know the important parts to all of this and it’s just sad that one person can destroy a whole country.
Okay enough about this and now onto something else…
Hubby went to pay the rent yesterday from work and told the landlady when she wants to talk to me to please phone. She said she would. I have a feeling she will just not do that is forget so I will wait and see, And becasue of the wax build up in my ears I have to have the TV really loud and evidently it’s too lound for the landlady. So hubby suggested I get some headphones for my TV. The first thing I said is why doesn’t she oay for half seeings I am interfearing in her life of peacefullness and the fact that I have to pay more money for something that I really don’t want and can not really afford I think she should just suffer like I do when things don’t get fixed. I am not going to be a happy camper from now on because I have spent more money becasue of her and her so called fix it issues that have neevr worked to start with and I am going to stop using my stuff. I use all of my stuff on her broken toys and then when I need it I wonder why I don’t have any. Like I have already used 2,5 rolls of duct tape because the board that covers the pipes keeps falling off and the wall has also ripped. I told her to make a cover that has hinges so it can open and close with no more damage to the wall.
Onto something else…
Today not much is happening just the regualr weekend stuff and of course hockey.
Here is a question for you? What are your thoughts about the NHL wearing the pride jersy’s?
I think it’s a good idea because it shows solidarity and a sense of belonging and I like that.
Onto something else…
Last nights dinner was this Prawns dish…
I added some frozen vegetable and some spagetti noodles and it turned out pretty good. I even liked it.
And tonight we are going to be having either a roast or steak with all the fixings.
Well, I should stop here…
Do have a great day…
Be Kind, Be Calm, Be Safe and Behave.
Last updated April 02, 2023
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