Call This A Strange Interlude in The Secret Writings of Eros: Book 3- Fallout, Pain, Acceptance, and Perseverance

  • March 23, 2023, 3:23 a.m.
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I was raised on classic OLD films. I knew about WC Fields, Groucho Marx, Rita Hayworth, and Mae West as though I had grown up in that era. That was part of the benefit of being a perpetually extremely sickly child. Sick days meant my parents would rent movies for me. Typically, of their own selection. So my father often got the Black and White Classics that helped him feel better when he was ill. Perhaps truly ironically, the movies I preferred when I was convalescing? Billy Maddison, Happy Gilmore, or ANYTHING Star Wars. That being said, the Marx Brothers and other similar acts have a significant connection… and anytime I think “Here’s a thought that seems random and like a complete tangent from life itself” I think of Groucho’s “Strange Interlude” from Animal Crackers.

And that’s what this is. A strange interlude. Because I was thinking of RANDOM. Intentionally. What random things in my life that, without being random, wouldn’t have happened? The list is long, interesting and important. But let’s just look at High School briefly.

FRESHMAN YEAR: I’d never played Water Polo. My father was part of an Old Man’s Club and my brother was passionate about getting a Club for Water Polo in our High School. So, despite the fact that I hadn’t even known how to be a competitive swimmer for more than a few months, I was added to the Water Polo roster. Because.... your dad and your brother… so you, obviously. I practically DROWNED most mornings. And after almost drowning most mornings, when I went to class? An old bully used to absolutely fucking pounce! I am starting the day after 2 hours of getting my ass kicked in water logged misery; only for some Anti-Social Fat Ass Cartman Wannabe to use me as his verbal and emotional punching bag. BUT that club went to a Tournament in Naperville. Where we got our asses HANDED to us! So the post tournament ass kicking, we decided to go watch “some action movie that just came out” so we wouldn’t have to think or pay attention. It was The Matrix. One of the most important movie experiences of my life. And why did I do Water Polo? The most positive way of spinning it would be: Aspiration and Love.

SOPHOMORE YEAR: I’d never been very good at the Cello. I have small hands and it takes a lot for me to make the instrument sound as good as it should. But my Cello Teacher knew I responded well to “carrots”. And we were planning an Orchestral Tour of Germany and Austria that summer. So, she and my proper Orchestra teacher got together and formed an agreement. I was dating a virtuoso Viola player (at the time). If I buckled down and worked REALLY hard; they would grant me a position on the Advanced Chamber Orchestra for the tour. I didn’t actually exhibit my talent or potential properly otherwise but maybe this would be proper incentive. It was. Even though my girlfriend and I broke up before leaving the States… I had achieved a place on the Special Orchestra. And doing so helped provide me one of my favorite, most beautiful memories of my life! And why did I bust my ass to be on this Special Orchestra that resulted in my favorite memory of all time? The most positive way of spinning it would be: Aspiration and Love.

And I don’t know if that just supports the idea that I’m just this mess of co-dependency but… a lot of GOOD things in my life come from Love + Aspiration. A lot of BAD things in my life come from FEAR + Obligation. Or at best Exhaustion + Expectation.

Certainly something to consider and keep in mind.

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