Pagan festivals 101 in The Big, Blue, House. Year two.
- April 17, 2023, 4:06 a.m.
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In the unlikely event that any non-pagan person should want to attend one, without standing out. This is how to blend in, amongst the weirdos.
During the day it doesn’t matter. Nearly anything goes. Even nudity/skyclad in some places, in its own section. But be aware that EVERYTHING has symbolism and meaning to pagans, so printed tee shirts will be scrutinized. Best to avoid them unless they’re nature or magical themed, like dragons or trees.
After dark or at sunset, you want your ritual garb:
Home made ritual robes are the pinnacle of pagan fashion. Ideally black, and made from faux velvet. But they’re time consuming to make, and consequently you won’t see very many of them.
Home made or bought hooded cloaks are second best. Easily obtained, and often inexpensive. Again, black is what you want. If you cannot get black, brown is a more earthy option. If you wear a green cloak or robe, everyone will assume you’re a druid. White, and you’re either a druid or a cabbalist, (or into Thelema and/or The Golden Dawn).
If you can afford neither, dress casual is fine, and you will see a LOT of it, so don’t feel bad.
Merry Meet = HI, glad to see you.
Merry Part = It was nice getting to see you.
Skyclad = no clothes
Ritual = Everyone stands in gigantic circle and listens to the High Priest or Priestess talk and give directions, generally lasting 30 to 60 minutes.
The Quarters = north, south, east, and west.
A seeker = What you are, as a new person.
Sabbat = The four major holidays: Ostara (easter), Beltane (May Day), Samhain (Halloween), and Yule (Christmas). DO NOT USE THEIR MUNDANE NAMES. People will look at you sideways.
Your “pagan name” = Generally some animal or natural phenomena. Just pick what you like, no one judges, and everyone is aware of how ridiculous some “names” are.
Besom = A ritual broom
Athame = Ritual dagger (Used like a wand, cutting anything with it is considered to ruin it.) Considered symbolic of male energy.
Chalice = Ritual goblet. Considered symbolic of female energy.
Lance and grail or the symbolic Great Rite : Putting the dagger into the chalice, to symbolize the union of male and female.
Offering = Sometimes liquor poured out during a ritual, sometimes an item of food left on an altar, for departed loved ones or deities.
Altar = Generally what you would expect, a low, broad table with statues and ritual items.
Energy = Generally the ostensible purpose of a drum circle, to “raise energy”. Really it’s just a lot of fun.
General culture:
You will never meet, and I do not exaggerate, a more accepting, non-judgmental group of people. They come from all walks of life, unified under one banner: An absolute love of Nature, above all things. Earth is a goddess, and all life is interconnected. Think environmentalists, with religion.
Everyone picks, or rather is “chosen by” a deity or dieties. Some believe in Yahweh, Ashera, Sophia, Jesus, and angels, and cast “angel spells”. Some practice Voodoun. Some are Satanists, of various types. Chaos magicians. Cabbalists. Druids. Universalists. Actual beliefs bely counting. It doesn’t matter what you are, and this is the best thing about it: *Diversity is celebrated*
. Conversation is often learning about each other’s beliefs and practices.
Fairies are ever present, being jokingly blamed for missing objects. Jokes about sacrifices. Jokes about any movie trope related to witches. Rain melting us, that sort of thing.
The atmosphere is always a celebration of just being together. Good energy, as they say. And unlike mainstream monotheism, these people mean it. The hippies never died. They gather at pagan festivals now.
General advice:
Plan for all possible weather extremes. Bring extra blankets, snacks, and boots that are okay in mud. If you have extra duct tape and paper towels to share, everyone will love you.
Judgy people don’t last long. Be excited to learn, and people will be excited to explain things. Church terms like “amen” will get you removed, obviously.
If possible bring a drum.
Gods I have to get back on the circuit! I wish I had someone to cat sit.
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