Sentimental Attachment - Part Deux in My Musings

  • March 20, 2023, 12:23 p.m.
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A few weeks ago, my writing cue had to do with holding on to something that no longer serves me. I’ve mentioned my friendship with a person I’ve known since elementary, and my feelings surrounding our dynamics. I guess this is a continuation of that subject, although not much the friend per se, but more of what I’ve outgrown over the years.

What really comes to mind immediately is outgrowing my love for video games. I was quite the console addict back in the day, finishing plenty of RPGs for the Super Nintendo, Playstation, and SEGA (my age is showing lol). I did play a little more until college, and during the start of the pandemic, but these were but distractions; reliving nostalgia, maybe. It’s funny because one of my dreams before entering university was to be a video game critic. Then again, life kicks in and one realizes the absurdity of their younger self.

As I write this, I realize that I am way past that stage of my life (props to those who continue to actively play in their elder years), and that’s alright. After all, priorities naturally change in the passage of time.

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