it's summer... it's HOT in keeping it postive

  • July 8, 2014, 5:38 p.m.
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I can take but so much off... the skin is stuck there. The cat, cannot.

He used to stay near the window fan in the kitchen - it no longer works, so he is getting creative.

I find him in the bathroom with his back to the tub. Today, he discovered he can get INTO the tub (he's a huge cat) and be surrounded by all that porcelain coolness. I caught him jumping out. Then when I didn't say anything... he went back in. When I saw him lounging in the tub, he just looked at me... stay there... if it's cool why not?

Deleted user July 08, 2014

It's hot and hard to breathe. Smart cat.

Darcy0207 from OD Deleted user ⋅ July 08, 2014


Spinster July 08, 2014

Rocky's favorite spot to beat the heat is curled up in the bathroom sink, but the other day he jumped into the tub only to discover it was full. LOL he was one wet cat when he got out.

Darcy0207 from OD Spinster ⋅ July 08, 2014

we may have a territory war soon as I need to shower to cool off.

ermentrude July 12, 2014

I hope you're able to cool off soon. X

Darcy0207 from OD ermentrude ⋅ July 12, 2014

I ended up getting my hair cut - short! I couldn't take it any more. It's nicer today.

Ragdolls July 14, 2014

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