Can't Stand the Heat in The Past

  • July 9, 2014, 3:16 a.m.
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So I went out with Travis again today. Well, I went out with Travis’ family… his two daughters, his two nephews, his sister and his mother. We had a lot of fun. I think. I met them at the park, we talked for a bit and then went out for pizza. Two pizzas and a handful of quarters later, I had to duck out early to get home before Mom went to work. I really like his sister Stacy, and his Mom’s really neat too.

Now I’m playing at home… I’m going to take a cold shower and work on maile while upstairs, I think. Or I might stay down here… Yeah, I’m going to stay down here, and just open a window and get a fan. I like that plan better. I’m playing with Violet right now, goofing off with her on my shoulder while hanging out and typing this. I have flowers to do still… and less than one week to do it. Well, almost exactly one week.

Maili’s going to come over and clean the house this weekend and I’m going to hide and pray that I won’t get anything messed up or whatnot by the time my aunt gets here… or Maiil’s going to murder me. She said she’s going to. And in exchange I’m going to get her a bottle of jager and a box of redbulls. I’m really excited about it. LoL Mainly because I don’t have to clean up the house. I’ll be nice and scrub the bathrooms at least. <3 Isn’t that good of me? I should get a gold star.

Flowers, lots and lots of flowers to do… I’m excited about it. I read on that if instead of trying to say “I’m happy!” about things that you may not be entirely happy about, say “I’m excited.” It turns it into a positive, without making it that you’re ignoring the fact that there’s tummy butterflies.

I know, I’m talking a lot about Lakefair and whatnot, but it’s the biggest thing in my life at this moment… It’s a whole week of my vacation where I’m sitting in a canopy tent thing, with a cooler of water and trying to sell things for 12 hours a day for 5 days. It’s supposed to be 90+ degree weather too, which is like… yeah. I’m not looking forward to that at all. I Don’t like the heat. I don’t like it at all. I’m happy at about 75 or so degrees with a nice breeze. -chuckles-

Hmm… next thing I’m going to do is my teddy bears, and there was something else that someone came up with… I can’t remember what. Gaaah, and it was such a good idea too! Dammit, One of these days I’ll figure it out again. It was a good idea. Ooo… I should work on the belt I’m wanting to make, but dammit, I can’t afford to do it. I need to do flowers. Lots and lots of flowers. And dragonscale maile… I want to make that. Oh! I remember what it was I wanted to do! I wanted to make dragon eggs. I’m going to have to figure out how to put them together, that means I’m going to have to work hard on that. I might make a few for the dragons that I’m done with.

Hmm… I need a new table, I need to remember that. Note to self… need… table. Oh! And table cloths. I need to wash the table cloths before next week.

La-de-da. I can’t think of anything else I want to do. Or anything else really to talk about. Things have been really mellow here. I’m happy about that, mellow is really cool. I definitely need to work on maile.

My writing has been suffering, which sucks. I know it sucks really bad, but the maile’s really important. I still love my story and still want to work on it and get it to go somewhere, but even at work I’ve been really busy. Lisa finally came back from camping so we busted our arses to get Payroll current again. There’s only so much that I can do – I don’t have the resources to do a lot of the auditing work, I just enter stuff into the computer, so I did that for Lisa yesterday, up till the holiday, and then I stopped. Today I did the weekend and yesterday. So we’re actually caught up. AP is done too, that was a pain in the butt but it was good. Next week is the official payroll week. I work on Monday, which means I can push myself really hard to get the payroll done for Lisa and not have to worry for the rest of the week.

Last updated December 25, 2016

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