Another Day and All That in The Past

  • July 8, 2014, 6 a.m.
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I’m at lunch time at work and just kind of “meh.” The two dragons that I had in the works are done, and I’m working on more flowers. Yay, flowers. Later today I’ll have pictures of the dragons done. And maybe some pictures of flowers if I get some of the flowers done by the time the end of the day hits and I have to go home.

Travis still wants me to go out with him this week. I turned down the private pizza party at his house in favor of a “let’s hang out with the girls at the park” kind of thing. I’m hoping it’ll go well. 9 days left till Lakefair. I’m not looking forward to that much at all. I still need to pick up another table so that way I can actually put everything out at once without having to take down the table that I’m using as a computer station.

Ben, a friend of mine from Seattle, actually contacted me today. That was kind of odd. He hasn’t said a word to me in months and then all of a sudden, out of the blue, he sent me an email. It didn’t say much, wondered how I was and what I was up to. He asked if I was going to PAX this year as well, and mentioned he’d might want to hang out if I was going this year.

I emailed him back, because I’m a chump like that. Told him things were going alright here, and that I thought he had worked or drank himself to death since I haven’t heard anything from him. I also mentioned that I had PAX tickets, but am ending up having to sell them since I’m not going to be able to make it up there and the other three guys bailed on him.

Just normal, everyday conversations, y’know?

I saw that he emailed me back earlier, but I haven’t read the email. A part of me is afraid to… there’s so much damned history between the two of us and I don’t know whether to be sad or happy that he’s contacting me again. It’s just, I don’t know. He’s an ass and even more wishy-washy than I am. I adore the hell out of him though, he’s one of the smartest people I know. And he’s fun to talk to when he and I aren’t in our funks.

Speaking of funks. I woke up badly today and spent the morning in a downer mood. I really need to work on the whole waking up thing on Monday mornings, this is the second one where I overslept and needed to have someone wake me up. The first one was my alarm clock, but since the 4th of July was a Friday, I turned off my alarm for that day and didn’t remember to turn it back on… so Court had to wake me up. I was annoyed because Mom had been home since 6am, and Court had been up for who knows how long, and they only thought to wake me up at 10 past 7. Giving me a whopping 50 minutes to shower, dress, pack, and get to work.

I ended up calling up the boss and telling her I’d be a little late, and then hustled to get to work. I made it into the door at 8:00:25 , which meant I was only 25 seconds late, rather than the 10 minutes I was afraid I’d be. Which is good, right?

I know if I wouldn’t have called the boss, I would have ended up late and gotten into trouble, so it’s better safe than sorry. Specially since I had a talking to, not too long ago. Now I just have to work on getting back from lunch on time. Mari’s very very big on being punctual, which is great and all, but she’s one of those that you have to be exact. If I’m 2 minutes early, she’s complaining because I’m early. If I’m even 1 minute late, she’s already turned off the phones, put out the bell, and is half way down the hallway to her car. That’s what happened today and the like. It drives me nuts when she does those sort of things, but I don’t say anything because she’s technically in the right there, I was late to take over on her lunch break. I just wish that she wasn’t so… I don’t know… rude. Well, rude isn’t the word for it… but if our positions were reversed and I had to wait an extra minute or two for her to return from lunch, or from doing an errand, I wouldn’t just set everything to night mode, put out the bell, and run away. I’d sit and wait and make sure everything’s alright before running off back to my cubbie.

Last updated December 25, 2016

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