it was a dark and stormy night in keeping it postive

  • July 4, 2014, 2:32 a.m.
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Well one was an afternoon...and there were two of them.

The past two days, we've had hellish thunderstorms. During the one on Tuesday, there was a lightning strike on a nearby park. I like to say it's across the street, but there's another park, a highway and train tracks before the state park that received the strike. Amazingly loud boom! There was so much rain from the north, that my fan stopped working! As hot as it's been!!! It took more than a day to dry out.

Yesterday afternoon, the skies got very dark and the rain poured down from the west. We got a lightning strike in the middle of the block - it seemed to be right outside my window! We're expecting rain again today. I am so glad I'd done my food shopping on the way home on Wednesday.

ermentrude July 04, 2014

Storms are amazing to watch aren't they? Stay safe though! X

Deleted user July 05, 2014

i love when everything i have to do is done. and i can be tucked inside all cozy during a storm.

Ragdolls July 07, 2014

Deleted user July 07, 2014

I actually read that book, I mean the one that spawned your title, by Bulwer-Lytton, just to see if it was as bad as they say. I didn't think it deserved all the opprobrium.

Darcy0207 from OD Deleted user ⋅ July 07, 2014

I was thinking more of the Snoopy version of novel writing, but I was aware it was a book - from the "dark side", I guess.

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