Staying Grounded in My Musings

  • Jan. 29, 2023, 5:31 p.m.
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It is quite easy to lose one’s self in a world that places too many demands. Seemingly harmless remarks such as “be like this”, or “why don’t you try being more like him/her?” are but few of the very familiar lines heard very so often.

I’m lucky enough that despite the constant pressure for validation and acceptance, I have somewhat been able to not let such thoughts get into my head, save for the occasional moments of insecurity (or inadequacy). Everything is temporary after all. In addition, living according to others’ standards, well-intended or otherwise, runs the risk of veering from one’s true self. This is not to justify a life of recklessness and lack of compassion, however. Rather, it is to acknowledge that we have our own journey and the decisions we make along the way should be of our own accord - and that includes acceptance of the consequences.

Last updated February 02, 2023

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