Reboot in The Stuff That's Not Interesting But Is The Most Interesting Stuff I'll Write

  • June 30, 2014, 8:04 p.m.
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So, my computer died this morning. I apologize if the formatting of this entry is a little off or if there are tons of spelling errors because I am writing this using the voice technology on my cell phone. I don't know how often I will be writing now that I don't have a computer to type everything out, but I will do my best.

I just spoke with my mother's friend, who lives in Spokane Washington, about possibly moving there when I finish with college in March. She seemed enthused by the idea and was somewhat excited to have someone she knows close to her in that area. To be quite honest, I myself am happy at the prospect of having someone else there. I don't really know what the future will hold, but I'm confident that I know enough now to get through it and understand it and to know what I'm doing and make good decisions.

I suppose this means I'll have to buy a new computer in the fall. This is a problem only because I've found myself addicted to Apple products and that means a very expensive computer will have to be purchased. I was already planning on getting a new computer but this development certainly expedites my need significantly.

My room is a mess. It's not a mess for any particular reason I just have been too lazy to clean it up. What do you think that says about me? I have all the free time in the world right now but I don't have the energy to clean up my room. I think I like having my room messy because it means I'll always have something to do. Whenever I get bored or find that I don't have anything to do, I will tidy up bits and pieces of my room to pass the time. Summer is usually a very depressing time of the year for me because I am empty of all tasks. Idle hands, my friends, idle hands.

I deleted my Facebook account this morning because it was trying to tell me what to do. I refuse to let some stupid application run my life and decide moral choices for me. I also finally heard back from that woman about the job writing for the travel company in Russia. It appears I didn't get the job because I'm not an active enough presence in social media. This was after I had removed all the protections and security settings that Facebook allows. So I guess deleting Facebook is the natural next step to getting my real life back! At some point I will restore my Facebook simply because I've too many friends in foreign countries to keep track of. I just don't like the societal implications Of Facebook.

I watched four seasons of glee over a period of about 3 1/2 days. I didn't even sleep Thursday night and went straight to work without any sleep. It didn't actually affect my performance in anyway but I think it's odd that I devoted so much time to a television show I used to hate. I actually find it quite compelling and think it provides a good occasion for dialogue. I also tried to watch that American horror story show; it was really awful and I don't understand how people can get that involved in it.

Maybe now that my computer is dead, I can get back in the habit of doing summer reading. I started one of my favorite books about a month ago but I never did finish it. Hopefully, this will give me incentive to get back and finish it and start something else. I still have several Jane Austen novels that I have yet to finish. I would say that this would give me an opportunity to write but I find without a computer writing to be a lot more tedious. Although I was wanting to practice and relearn cursive, and this could be an excellent opportunity to teach myself to write again, I'm not sure I have the patience to do so.

Although this entry turned out fairly pleasant, I don't enjoy how robotic I have to sound in order to get this stupid voice application to write out exactly what I'm saying. So don't look forward to many entries like this. Perhaps I'll just have to do with the normal people do and go to a public library and use the computers available there.

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