Not a new computer in OLD
- Jan. 7, 2023, 7:03 p.m.
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I am fighting to type each line here, because I don’t have a new computer and I could have one…it’s just that I haven’t had the energy to deal with the change out. Maybe it is my age, but dealing with the purchase and worry about the off keel scroll element here being passed on to the new one has me avoiding the purchase. I must force myself to do what is needed, however. It is cooler here today. I haven’t needed the heat on for a long time, and only one afternoon turned on the air conditioning for a few hours. That should make the December bill look very good. Today my new walking stick arrived. It’s oak, not too heavy and just my height. I also ordered a steps watch…I am hoping these two items will entice me outside more often. It’s such a lovely suburb to walk in–most streets have sidewalks and all curve around to intersect.
There’s a new white and brown cat roaming the neighborhood. Most of the homes were built in the 60s. Not a cookie cuter patch of homes, but diverse architecture. Old trees and deeply set in plants. Young families but ones, for the most part, having children when in their 30s. Elders spread here and there.
I’m going tomorrow to drop all my subscriptions to magazines, news papers…no… keep the NYTimes. I don’t read others closely, and could pick an important news edition up from a store nearby if I couldn’t find adequate coverage on line or TV.
I watched two movies on TV today. Also I called and spoke to a shut in that I try to speak to weekly. We’ve never met, but I was matched with her by an organization for elders who want to remain in their homes while aging.
Life alone here is quiet and a canvas for all I am interested in day to day.
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