June 28, 2014 in The Past

  • June 28, 2014, 10:34 a.m.
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I think I found my teddy bears… Mom liked a couple of them and the more I look at the ones she chose, the more I think that she’s right… it’s going to be fun to work on maile for them.

Today I prove how much of a glutton for punishment I am… I’m going to take four kids to Charlies Safari with just Travis as adult company. His girls and nephew will love it, I’m sure, and I know that Devine would love it too. Devine doesn’t get much chance to play with other kids, so he’ll have a blast. I think I’m going to take a couple projects of maile with me and a few books and a game system. Poor Travis, I might have to enlist him to help me my maile. I’ve never been to Charlie Safari, but I hear that they have a room for parents to relax in while the rugrats run around jumping on things and playing in the arcade and the like. Hmm.. I wonder if I should grab extra money for arcade tokens and such for Devine. This outing was planned because I found a amazon local deal for my area for 4 kids, pizza, and soda for like 37 dollars. I figured I couldn’t pass that up since the entry for 4 kids normally is around that much. So I thought of Travis’ girls and his nephew and voila! I had to kidnap Devine to make up the 4-some, but I asked Amy and she had me ask Mike and I got it oked through them… so that’s not exactly kidnapping, is it? It’s more like spontaneous borrowing of kidlets.

Speaking of borrowing kidlets, I’m trying to figure out what to do for my birthday in Sept, since I can no longer go to PAX. I was thinking of taking Maili and Devine down to Portland to the Zoo. They’d enjoy it and I think I’d enjoy the time away as much, if not more, than PAX… even though the sweet, sweet swag is awesomes.

Lalala. I can’t think of anything really right now. Oh, I went to bed late last night, and set my alarm to make sure that I would be up by 8:45 so I could get ready to go to this thing, and I woke up naturally at 7:00. I am loving this whole waking up naturally thing… I just have to remember to curb my gaming and electronic usage at night… that’s the hard part. Well, it shouldn’t be too hard since I’m supposed to be doing maile, but I haven’t. Shame on me! Hence the maile at the place today. now I just have to figure out what I’m going to take with me – I know I need to take the dragons with me, and I think I’ll take the stretch bracelets too.

I just realized, I don’t have a way to get my coupon. c.c I need to get to a printer. My phone’s dead so I can’t even pull it up on my phone. Gaaaaah.

Music’s heavier today… Saliva, Sick Puppies, that kind of thing. I don’t mind it, I do like this kind of music, I just wish I could find more music like my writing list… but it’s so hard to find music I like enough to put on that list. Stuff I can listen to a thousand times in a row and still love. I might go through Sting’s music and see if there’s anything there, I remember loving a lot of his songs. In fact, after I get done here, I’m going to do just that, go through Sting’s music and figure out what there is that I like.

I’ve been playing Skyrim again. I added a bunch of user content too, so the game is really interesting. Not to say it wasn’t interesting before, but when you doubled the amount of dragons and added a few more dungeons… yeeeeaaaah. That’s just too much fun. I’m in one of the added dungeons, and the only complaint I have is that there’s a couple baddies that didn’t scale with me properly, so I’m a level 9 tackling a Falmor Warlord or something like that. I tend to try to sneak by those guys. I’m playing a sneak-thief this time around. Which is great, because I peck things off with my bow, but when I have to do up close encounters, I suck, even though I’ve been pumping points into my sword. I think part of that is the fact that I keep forgetting to get out of the sneaking pose. Hehehe.

Last updated December 24, 2016

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