A Glutton for Punishment in The Past

  • June 28, 2014, 8:58 a.m.
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I have to be a glutton for punishment. I found an amazon local deal yesterday to Charlies Safari for 4 kids, a pizza, and 4 sodas for like… 37.00. It was a great deal, so I messaged Travis and asked if his two girls and his nephew wanted to go to Charlies Safari, since the weather turned icky. They decided they did want to, and I informed Mike and Amy that I was kidnapping their kid for the day (they thanked me, with tears of gratitude in their eyes and hope for sleep in their voices). Travis and I are taking a 5 year old, two 6 year olds, and a 7 year old to a 20,000 sq ft indoor play area. Luckily there’s a parents area, where we can hide. That’s my job today, hide. I’m also going to take some maile with me, so I can get some stuff worked on while I watch the kids goof off. It should be fun. And probably cost me an extra fortune, but meh.

I sold one set of my PAX tickets. If you know anyone who wants to go to PAX Prime and need tickets, let me know, I have 3 more sets for Friday, Saturday, Sunday… you’re only missing Monday. I have to get rid of them, they’re no good to me. -sigh- I hate it when plans fall through. And because that plan fell through, I don’t have anything big planned for my birthday, which is a good thing, I think, but on the other hand, gaaah, y’know?

Mom looked at my teddy bear choices and picked the two she liked. She liked the first bear and the third one. I liked the fourth one the best, but think the first one is probably going to be the easiest to maile. I’m going to pick up a dozen bears to start with, so that I can have them ready for the holiday shows.

Speaking of shows… it’s the 28th today. Lakefaire is on the 16th. Mom’s freaking out due to lack of time. And to be honest, I’m beginning to get itchy because of it. -sigh- no more Skyrim for me! I may of hired a ring monkey though – one of Maili’s coworkers has a wife who’s preggers and they’re trying to get as much side money as they can for diapers and wipes and the like. I told her that I couldn’t offer her wife more than glorified pocket money – just don’t have that much extra, but I could fit a little in. Hell, even if she sits with me for an hour or so and opens rings, that’ll be a huge help. Steph, Maili’s coworker, wants me to make her a belt, but with the baby on the way she’s been stressing about if she could really afford it. I told her last night that if she preps the rings for me, opening and closing them, I’ll weave the rings together and make her the belt for free. But she has to do the work. Did I mention I hate prepping rings? Oh, and that’s well after Lakefair.

I can’t think of anything else that’s happening right now… other than the fact that I’m playing too much Skyrim. :P Oh! I made a ring order, did I mention that? I can make large flowers once I get this order in. Let’s hope Andre’s better this time around about sending the rings quickly.

Last updated December 24, 2016

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