Of Barbies and Bears in The Past

  • June 27, 2014, 3:10 p.m.
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So, I was goofing off on the camp NaNoWriMo website (www.campnanowrimo.org) and was talking to my campers about my maile. Someone mentioned that they had a stuffed bear with chainmaile on and I laughed and said I haven’t done a bear yet. I did do a hauberk for a Ken doll that Court’s ex-after-me’s sibling. It was a thing of beauty, done in 6mm gunmetal rings with a 4mm gold plated belt.

Even though I know I should be focusing on other things, now I want to make a set of armor for a teddy bear and sell it… maybe make a bunch of little mailed bears, and tell everyone that they’re getting ready for war. The only Problem I’m having is that none of the bears have the kind of “going to war” face I want. They all look too.... happy.

Kind of a stupid complaint, considering they’re teddy bears, but really, could you see any of these wearing a set of armor, wielding a sword, and threatening to put their enemies heads on pikes?

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The last one is the closest, I think.

Mom would shoot me if she knew that I was thinking of adding yet another thing to do… I still need to figure out how I want to do this year’s ornaments for the winter shows. Hell, I still need to sign up for winter shows. x.x Note to self, send email to Debby for Hawks Holiday Happening…

Last updated December 24, 2016

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