The Intelligencer in book reviews

  • June 9, 2014, 9:56 p.m.
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author: Leslie Silbert


Just what I like - a LOT of history, and literary history - Christopher Marlowe being a main character; a LOT of espionage - Christopher Marlowe had been a spy; parallel stories - 16th Century and 21st Century.

An object was found, it was priceless, since it was a manuscript in code, it needed to be deciphered. The technology of the 21st Century is used to great advantage.

The stories being parallel, both lead up and up... fear on top of fear, seduction on top of seduction, each character trying to outwit the others. The truth comes out eventually.... or does it.


Deleted user June 09, 2014

Hmmm... Secret ciphers, British history, old documents, Elizabethan espionage plots, murder mystery... just my cup of tea. Amazon for $0.95 + shipping. I one-clicked it.

Darcy0207 from OD Deleted user ⋅ June 09, 2014

Considering that the book I'd tried to read before this one, I curtailed after 70 pages, this was a relief. Glad to know it'll have a continuing life. And NO, the author hasn't written anything else... yet. I already checked... LOL

Ragdolls June 11, 2014

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