When it rains, it shits... in Age 35

  • Jan. 16, 2023, 7:59 p.m.
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So thanks to the beautiful inflation going on right now for x reasons, I have been pretty much paycheck to paycheck. Let me give you some context as to why this is sad for my situation. I bought my house 10 years for a measly 185k. I am college educated with a bachelor’s degree and make what some would consider a good living. I can either live modestly, or if I didn’t have kids, I would be living extravagantly.

Now though with all the rain (yes, I am on the west coast), I knew it was bound to happen. I felt it in my bones! I have a leak in my roof. Now mind you I knew that I was going to have to replace the roof at some point. Been in my house 10 years and I dunno when it replaced before that, so it was bound to creep up.

The problem here is the inflation, the doubled prices of materials post pandemic, and mother nature. 11,500k to replace the whole roof. I don’t have that kind of money. I have about 250 dollars to last me until my next paycheck. I just got paid Friday.

I guess you can say I am feeling that stress. I have been for the past year. My husband and I combined make too much money. Also I can’t budget to save my life. So 50% my fault. I know I can’t blame everything on the current state of things, but boy they sure don’t help. I just didn’t think I would be here at this point in my life. 35 college educated and struggling to get by. I know that it will pass, but man while you’re going through it, it hurts.

I hope you all are doing well and that you’re getting through it.

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