Advice From Cleopatra in The Stuff That's Not Interesting But Is The Most Interesting Stuff I'll Write
- Dec. 27, 2022, 10:18 p.m.
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Due to a legal document I signed, I cannot discuss what happened in the Red Room, except to say that it definitely met all my expectations and I have not only been invited back but asked to participate in promotional duties for the space. I am saying this because I know so many of you were eager for details, but as my history has taught me, there are complex legal gymnastics involved with blogging and speech laws, so that’s all I shall say about that.
Sunday, once I had recovered from the exhausting festivities that were Christmas Eve, I decided to treat myself to a nice meal. I ended up at the French cafe and on a date… of all things. It ended up being a nice time, we spent a rather long day with one another and I know that doesn’t seem like a big deal, but I am not around people that often, and I found that I really didn’t mind it.
The dawn of my 40th birthday is coming and I suppose I’m supposed to feel a certain way about it, but I recently heard Judi Dench say something in an interview… just keep acting like you’re 35 on the inside and don’t let anyone tell you any differently.
One of my co-workers had a meltdown, and as the situation unfolded, I realized that the problem that occurred was probably something that is unlikely to happen to me because I’ve actually integrated into the workspace. It was a very sudden, confusing thing because I’ve always felt like I didn’t belong in any group…
And it was then that I realized why I hated the Wednesday series that premiered on Netflix. It seemed wholly unoriginal and poorly plotted, but that didn’t bother me… It made me realize that we all feel like we’re the outcast, that we’re so mysterious, that nobody gets us. Yet that’s really just a narrative we tell ourselves so that the story of our lives seems more interesting than it really is.
The construct is that we’re outcasts, we’re underdogs, and so our every triumph is something to be celebrated. As I’ve spent the last year settling into the mundanity of my life, I realize that that’s not the case, and I’ve really just been complicating my life for no other reason than I am lonely.
So I’m changing the narrative. If anyone asks, I’m 35 now.
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