Lovesick Fool in The Past

  • June 25, 2014, 12:30 a.m.
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You ever fall in love with a single song from an artist and find that you’re sadly underwhelmed by the rest of the album / albums? I think that’s how I feel with The Cab. I love the song Angel with a Shotgun because of the story that I found inside of it… but I’m not sure about the rest of the songs. The band reminds me a bit of Savage Garden, and I love that band but meh. -chuckles- I shouldn’t be so damned picky with my music… there’s only three songs on my “writing music” list on Spotify. Granted, I’ll spend the time writing listening to the Epic, Heroic music list more than the “writing music” list, but still.

I haven’t done any chainmaile in a few days. I really ought to start again, specially since I have less than three weeks till Lakefair and I’m really far behind on my maile. I just couldn’t find any energy to do that tonight. Instead I spent my evening playing Rogue Legacy and realizing exactly how badly I suck at platformers. I think I just get too excited and want to rush through it as fast as possible, slaying anything in my reach, and that’s not always the way to do it. I also find the more tired I get, the less I think about what I’m doing and the faster I just want to do it. Mew, I shouldn’t play with anything while I’m tired.

I think it’s going to be an early to bed night tonight.

Today wasn’t too bad, work was work, spent more time than I should have reading… I’m rereading Robin Hobb’s Farseer books. I’m about a third or so of the way through Assassin’s Apprentice, and I know I should be doing something more constructive with my time, like working on my own story, but there’s mental roadblocks there. I’m going to have to beat them down, NaNoWriMo starts again in a few days. That means my writing book will actually get some parts in it. Whee. I might make another book just for this NaNoWriMo, so I can keep it here as well as in my other backup areas. I still don’t know what’s going to go on… I’m thinking that there’s going to be a big gang war or something and the FMC (female main character) gets caught up in it, which pulls the MMC (male main character) into it.

I’m also wondering if this is the same world that my other story ideas, my other, previous NaNos fall into… if this is the same world that has Angels and Demons and all sorts of other otherworldy things hiding amongst the crowd. I don’t think I’m going to do the whole Zombies / Witches / Werewolves / Vampires thing that is popular out there now. I think it’s all Angels and Demons. -chuckles- The protagonist of my other book is an angel who was sent away from Heaven and who’s cursed to travel the Earth until the Heaven and Earth become one again. I like that story, I just need to polish it up some and make it make sense. Kind of sad when you have to “make your story make sense.”

Last updated December 24, 2016

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