Norman! in The Past

  • June 25, 2014, 11:08 p.m.
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Today’s been a busy, and yet, boring day.

Work was slow and boring… The boss and the big boss are gone, and it’s the time of month that I don’t have anything really to do. So I’m spending a lot of time working on my NaNo and doing math bits and such for maile. Today at lunch I put together my first dragon. Well, mostly. I’m still working on him and he’s finally got eyes, and wings, but no tail, not yet. I have to learn how to do the Trizantine weave, which is like the Byzantine but with three rings instead of two. It’s a pain in the butt, because on the site that has the instructions for that weave, I found three others I want to try out, including a new weave for a belt.

Tonight I did a order with West Coast Chainmaile to get more rings. Spent 145.00 on enough rings for an army of large flowers, as well as the rings needed for the new belt weaves and some dragonscale maile. I really want to make a dragonscale belt but oh my god, that would be expensive and take sooooo much time.

Two of the IT people are leaving from work, and I was approached by their co-IT workers to make something pretty for one of them. Something not terribly expensive to give them good memories of the work here… so I’m going to give them Norman the dragon. Norman’s full name is Norman the second, eldest son of Norman the Dragon King of the Antelopes. His father was lost in a siege when he was trying to annex Vermont into his kingdom. (Actually, he got lost in the mail when he was on his way to Vermont, but that’s besides the point). It was a sad day when we lost Norman I.

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Those are early pictures of Norman II. May he soon have a tail!

Last updated December 24, 2016

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