June 24, 2014 in 750 Words

  • June 25, 2014, 2:04 a.m.
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So here I am again...

I had a good dream last night, not good as in "wow, that was a sweet dream" but good in the "Wow, I can use this for a story" way. I don't remember much but there was this chosen person... one of the heroic chosen ones who would save the world or whatnot, and I was trying to convince his protectors that he needed to fight the badies, or some shit. They were afraid because they thought that he'd lose and there'd be no hope anymore, and I promised to help him. We ended up going underground to an underground bunker which was situated in my old backyard for some reason, ad when we went down there it occurred to me that I was a mad scientist in my previous life or something. There were robotic and evil bugs that quieted when I got through and lead the group of people who protected and took care of the chosen one. Then there was this portal and I tried to get help from the people on the other side of the portal... they were jaguar people, a tribe that worshiped the jaguar and the leader said that they didn't want to help me so I went and went through another portal and found myself at the north pole. All the reindeer were sick and starving, the elves, of which there was only 13 or so, were sick and overworked, half dead practically. They scuttled around muttering to themselves and the like. I remember they were grey. Like, just the color grey. It was bizarre. But no more bizarre than the fact that Santa was gone someplace, no one knew where, and Peter Pan had moved into the north pole. In order to keep himself from dying he has some sort of berry elixir from Neverland and we got into a philosophical discussion about death and life.

As a scientist, I've been working to prolong my life, so I could live forever and never die. I had succeeded for a while, but I was wondering if that was what was best for me. Times change so quickly and the like. Peter Pan admitted that he was tired of all the new technology and that he wished he was back in Neverland, which was closed off to him when he last left. He took a long drink of his elixir and handed it to me, saying that everything and everyone has a time to die... and no matter how much you fight to keep it away and to keep going on, if she calls, you will answer. He smiled at me and shooed us out of the lab and the north pole. I remember that when we got to the surface, there was the enemy, demanding for all of us to surrender. We refused and a war like thing started... it was rather one sided, since they had guns and such and we didn't... or at least not as many guns. So we tried to get the chosen one out of the picture, out of the fight and the like and the enemy tried to overwhelm us and take him. As we were ushering him out, he got shot in the stomach. Our troops, seeing him go down stand around and lose hope, thinking that everything's over. I take Pan's elixir out of my pocket and feed it to him, every last drop, the last of Pan's immortality. His wounds heal p and he takes a large hiccuping gasp and everyone just stops and stares. It was his resurrection that saved us and ended up saving the world. In the world, even death has a meaning.

I think that was all of the dream, it was rather weird and somehow there's other jewelry or something that's tied up in all this. I don't know how or what or anything else... that was the dream. There was more to the dream, more details but when I woke up I couldn't remember too much. I wish I could put my fingers in my ears and keep my thoughts and such in my head so that I can get more out of them. Some of my favorite stories came from dreams that I had and could remember. Even if it was just bits and pieces of a dream, the emotion is the best part of it, the most important part. I want to feel these things, to have them impact me somehow.

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