June 25, 2014 in 750 Words

  • June 25, 2014, 9:24 a.m.
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Well, I woke up to an interesting note... PNW Nerdfest isn't going to be happening and I get a chance for a refund of the 450.00 that I paid for the booth. That's awesome... I'm so happy about that because it means I can afford the two metal orders I want to do and the bit of shows that I'm going to get into for the wintertime. Oh god, I need to get my paperwork figured out and whatnot. And I need to go and figure out what I want to do this winter. Gaaaah, so many things to do, and I'm not ready. I sold two dragons and I don't know how to make them yet and I don't even know what color I need to make the second one. Oh boy, I'm screwed, but I think the thing that is going to save me is the fact that I can make multiple dragons with a few extra bags of rings on top of what I got in the kit. I need to pull out the dragons tonight and take them to work with me. Well, no, that wouldn't be tonight, that'd be this morning. I wonder where my dragon box is. Hmmm.... That's silly to say, but yeah. Oh god, I had the strangest guy tell me how to "make" dragons the other day, he told me to get higher than fuck and then go and find them. Then a bunch of how it was the people in control who were the dragons... I wasn't paying much attention after he told me to do a lot of LSD and the like. Bah.

I didn't have any dreams last night, which is great because it means that I'm not trying to hold anything back into my head that I want to keep, but it's also bad because no inspiration for the words this morning and the like... I say "and the like" a lot, don't I?

I don't know if I'm thinking all this or typing it half the time.

I don't know what I'm going to do when I get home, I know I should work on chainmaile but last night I played Rogue Legacy for like, hours. I find that I'm really bad at platformer games and I love that game. I'm glad at the fact that I don't have to be good at a game to like it. Steam is having a sale right now and I'm getting a game or two every day it seems... but when you're looking at, like, games at 75% off, I really can't say no. Specially since I got Rogue Legacy for less than two dollars, considering I had a little money from the steam marketplace.

Hmmm... I need to call the storage company and let them know I'm paying soon and I don't know what else I need to do, I just have to keep busy, keep working. My boss and the big boss will be away from the business for the rest of the week and I'm trying to figure out what I need to / can do at work for the week. Tomorrow's Farebox day and the first four hours or so are taken up but the last four hours are going to be a pain. I could do some deposits which would be fun and take my time with those. But Friday is going to be a big problem, there's a little bit of work, with filing and the like that I have on Fridays, but other than that there's nothing. I might try to work on my story... I really need to, at the very least, figure out what I want to happen. I don't need a chapter by chapter outline, but a vague idea of where I want to go with the story. The setting is a slum, and I think I'm going to have Julie start out introducing us to the world by going to school and coming home by way of the alleys. The schools are really a joke down here, with not enough books to students. No real supplies, no computers, which are normally everywhere by this time in the world. Most normal students who aren't slum-brats in the Lower City have a personal computer on which to do all their homeworks and the like. It's akin to our tablets, being lightweight and having its own screen that's touch screen but most people have it outfitted with manual keyboard, albit a small one. The school rooms are really tiny and are poorly ventilated. The teachers are those who know that these kids don't matter, and know that the students don't matter, but at every family night of the like , every dance even, they take the time and opportunity to schmooze. I see the teachers as out for themselves, just like everyone else in the slums.

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