Rage and sads in 2014

  • July 9, 2014, 2:33 a.m.
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  • Public

I am angry and tired and emotional and irrationally angry at pretty much everyone, but especially smug motherfuckers whose lives always seem to come up smelling of roses no matter how much shit they fall in. And it makes me SO FUCKING MAD because I am NOT this bitter, hateful individual and I don't like feeling like this. I just want to sleep and be warm and eat cheese and mushroom croissants from Starbucks (I may have already done this today, I am comfort eating).

Mum of Yum July 09, 2014

:( sending you mass kitty hugs xxxxx

Emmy Lou July 09, 2014


Etoile Filante July 09, 2014

Huge hugs sweetheart. xXx

martian princess July 09, 2014

:( Those sound tasty. Go get some Starbucks, I do that when I'm upset too.

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